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Right Sidebar Blocks

Adds ability to display a right-sided sidebar to topic list routes. There are two settings included:

  • blocks: choose the blocks to display and adjust their ordering
  • show_in_routes: decide which routes to display the sidebar (by default, it will show on all lists except for /categories)

Included blocks

This theme component includes a few blocks you can use in your sidebar:

  • popular-tags
  • top-contributors
  • recent-replies
  • category-topics
  • custom-html
  • subcategory-list
  • tag-topics
  • top-topics
  • category-list

You can also use other Ember components as blocks, you just need to use the correct name. For example, core includes a signup-cta Ember component, and you can use it in the sidebar as is. (Note that you can't use components that expect a set of parameters.)

Available block parameters

You can control some features for the provided blocks via parameters.

name description default value available for
count limits number of results varies number all except custom-html
excerptLimit limits length of each reply excerpt 150 number recent-replies
id category id category id (category-list uses comma-separated) category-topics, category-list
content contents to display html custom-html
scopeToCategory only shows in category X category id popular-tags
excludedTags list of excluded tags tagnames popular-tags
displayInSpecificCategories list of categories to show the widget all comma-separated numbers popular-tags
id leaderboard id number minimal-gamification-leaderboard
tag which tag to display tag id tag-topics
period time period of top topics weekly all, yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily top-topics
title title of the block varies string tag-topics, category-list, top-contributors
excludedGroupNames Excludes specified groups Group names top-contributors
order Orders the contributors likes_received String (likes_received or likes_given) top-contributors
period Time period for top contributors yearly all, yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily top-contributors

Blocks from other plugins

The Discourse Calendar plugin comes with a block called upcoming-events-list that you can use in conjunction with this component. The plugin will need to be installed to access it.