This code is taken from the MLCommons Training BERT workload.
I have added a docker image containing everything needed to run the workload, and convenience launch scripts.
You can find the preprocessed data for this workload on the server under /raid/data/bert/
script is used to launch training as the root process in the container and is used in the traces.
is the actual training entry point.
This Google Drive location contains the following.
tf1_ckpt folder: contains checkpoint files
- model.ckpt-28252.index
- model.ckpt-28252.meta
tf2_ckpt folder: contains TF2 checkpoint files
- model.ckpt-28252.index
bert_config.json: Config file which specifies the hyperparameters of the model
enwiki-20200101-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 : Compressed file containing wiki data
enwiki-20200101-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2.md5sum: md5sum hash for the
file -
vocab.txt: Contains WordPiece to id mapping
Alternatively, TF2 checkpoint can also be generated using and TF1 checkpoint
python3 \
--bert_config_file=<path to bert_config.json> \
--checkpoint_to_convert=<path to tf1 model.ckpt-28252> \
--converted_checkpoint_path=<path to output tf2 model checkpoint>
Note that the checkpoint converter removes optimizer slot variables, so the resulting TF2 checkpoint is only about 1/3 size of the TF1 checkpoint.
The dataset was prepared using Python 3.7.6, nltk 3.4.5 and the tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.2-gpu docker image.
Files after the download, uncompress, extract, clean up and dataset seperation steps are providedat a Google Drive location. The main reason is that, replaces some of the tags present in XML such as {CURRENTDAY}, {CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN} with the current values obtained from time.strftime (code). Hence, one might see slighly different preprocessed files after the file is invoked. This means the md5sum hashes of these files will also be different each time WikiExtractor is called.
File | Size (bytes) | MD5 |
eval.md5 | 330000 | 71a58382a68947e93e88aa0d42431b6c |
eval.txt | 32851144 | 2a220f790517261547b1b45ed3ada07a |
part-00000-of-00500 | 27150902 | a64a7c31eff5cd38ae6d94f7a6229dab |
part-00001-of-00500 | 27198569 | 549a9ed4f805257245bec936563abfd0 |
part-00002-of-00500 | 27395616 | 1a1366ddfc03aef9d41ce552ee247abf |
... | ||
part-00497-of-00500 | 24775043 | 66835aa75d4855f2e678e8f3d73812e9 |
part-00498-of-00500 | 24575505 | e6d68a7632e9f4aa1a94128cce556dc9 |
part-00499-of-00500 | 21873644 | b3b087ad24e3770d879a351664cebc5a |
Each of part-00xxx-of-00500
and eval.txt contains one sentence of an article in one line and different articles separated by blank line.
The details of how these files were prepared around Feb. 10, 2020 can be found in
The script tokenizes the words in a sentence using and vocab.txt
file. Then, random tokens are masked using the strategy where 80% of time, the selected random tokens are replaced by [MASK]
tokens, 10% by a random word and the remaining 10% left as is. This process is repeated for dupe_factor
number of times, where an example with dupe_factor
number of different masks are generated and written to TFRecords.
# Generate one TFRecord for each part-00XXX-of-00500 file. The following command is for generating one corresponding TFRecord
python3 \
--input_file=<path to ./results of previous step>/part-00XXX-of-00500 \
--output_file=<tfrecord dir>/part-00XXX-of-00500 \
--vocab_file=<path to downloaded vocab.txt> \
--do_lower_case=True \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--masked_lm_prob=0.15 \
--random_seed=12345 \
: Number of times to duplicate the dataset and write to TFrecords. Each of the duplicate example has a different random maskmax_sequence_length
: Maximum number of tokens to be present in a single example -max_predictions_per_seq
: Maximum number of tokens that can be masked per examplemasked_lm_prob
: Masked LM Probabilitydo_lower_case
: Whether the tokens are to be converted to lower case or not
After the above command is called 500 times, once per part-00XXX-of-00500
file, there would be 500 TFrecord files totalling to ~365GB.
Note: It is extremely critical to set the value of random_seed
to 12345
so that th examples on which the training is evaluated is consistent among users.
Use the following steps for the eval set:
python3 \
--input_file=<path to ./results>/eval.txt \
--output_file=<output path for eval_intermediate> \
--vocab_file=<path to vocab.txt> \
--do_lower_case=True \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--masked_lm_prob=0.15 \
--random_seed=12345 \
python3 \
--input_tfrecord=<path to eval_intermediate from the previous command> \
--output_tfrecord=<output path for eval_10k> \
The examples in the TFRecords have the following key/values in its features dictionary:
Key | Type | Value |
input_ids | int64 | Input token ids, padded with 0's to max_sequence_length. |
input_mask | int32 | Mask for padded positions. Has 0's on padded positions and 1's elsewhere in TFRecords. |
segment_ids | int32 | Segment ids. Has 0's on the positions corresponding to the first segment and 1's on positions corresponding to the second segment. The padded positions correspond to 0. |
masked_lm_ids | int32 | Ids of masked tokens, padded with 0's to max_predictions_per_seq to accommodate a variable number of masked tokens per sample. |
masked_lm_positions | int32 | Positions of masked tokens in the input_ids tensor, padded with 0's to max_predictions_per_seq. |
masked_lm_weights | float32 | Mask for masked_lm_ids and masked_lm_positions. Has values 1.0 on the positions corresponding to actually masked tokens in the given sample and 0.0 elsewhere. |
next_sentence_labels | int32 | Carries the next sentence labels. |
File | Size (bytes) |
eval_intermediate | 843,343,183 |
eval_10k | 25,382,591 |
part-00000-of-00500 | 514,241,279 |
part-00499-of-00500 | 898,392,312 |
part-00XXX-of-00500 | 391,434,110,129 |
A valid submission will evaluate a masked lm accuracy >= 0.720.
The evaluation will be on the 10,000 samples in the evaluation set. The evalution frequency in terms of number of samples trained is determined by the following formular based on the global batch size, starting from 0 samples. Evaluation with 0 samples trained could be skipped, but that's a good place to verify the initial checkpoint was loaded correctly for debugging purpose; the masked lm accuracy after loading the initial checkpint and before any training should be very close to 0.34085. The evaluation can be either offline or online for v1.0. More details please refer to the training policy.
eval_frequency = floor(0.05 * (230.23 * batch_size + 3,000,000) / 25,000) * 25,000
The purpose of this formular is to make the eval interval 1) not too large to make the results within 5% of the actual place in training that cross the target accuracy; and 2) not too small to make evaluation time significant comparing to the end-to-end training time.
Batch size | Eval frequency |
256 | 150,000 |
1024 | 150,000 |
1536 | 150,000 |
2048 | 150,000 |
3072 | 175,000 |
4096 | 175,000 |
8192 | 225,000 |
The generation of the evaluation set shard should follow the exact command shown above, using In particular the seed (12345) must be set to ensure everyone evaluates on the same data.
To run this model with batch size 24 on GPUs, use the following command.
TF_XLA_FLAGS='--tf_xla_auto_jit=2' \
python \
--bert_config_file=<path to bert_config.json> \
--output_dir=/tmp/output/ \
--input_file="<tfrecord dir>/part*" \
--nodo_eval \
--do_train \
--eval_batch_size=8 \
--learning_rate=0.0001 \
--init_checkpoint=./checkpoint/model.ckpt-28252 \
--iterations_per_loop=1000 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--num_train_steps=107538 \
--num_warmup_steps=1562 \
--optimizer=lamb \
--save_checkpoints_steps=6250 \
--start_warmup_step=0 \
--num_gpus=8 \
The above parameters are for a machine with 8 V100 GPUs with 16GB memory each; the hyper parameters (learning rate, warm up steps, etc.) are for testing only. The training script won’t print out the masked_lm_accuracy; in order to get masked_lm_accuracy, a separately invocation of with the following command with a V100 GPU with 16 GB memory:
TF_XLA_FLAGS='--tf_xla_auto_jit=2' \
python3 \
--bert_config_file=<path to bert_config.json> \
--output_dir=/tmp/output/ \
--input_file="<tfrecord dir>/eval_10k" \
--do_eval \
--nodo_train \
--eval_batch_size=8 \
--init_checkpoint=./checkpoint/model.ckpt-28252 \
--iterations_per_loop=1000 \
--learning_rate=0.0001 \
--max_eval_steps=1250 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--num_gpus=1 \
--num_train_steps=107538 \
--num_warmup_steps=1562 \
--optimizer=lamb \
--save_checkpoints_steps=1562 \
--start_warmup_step=0 \
--train_batch_size=24 \
The model has been tested using the following stack:
- Debian GNU/Linux 10 GNU/Linux 4.19.0-12-amd64 x86_64
- NVIDIA Driver 450.51.06
- NVIDIA Docker 2.5.0-1 + Docker 19.03.13
- docker image tensorflow/tensorflow:2.4.0-gpu
To run the training workload for batch size 8k on Cloud TPUs, follow these steps:
- Create a GCP host instance
gcloud compute instances create <host instance name> \
--boot-disk-auto-delete \
--boot-disk-size 2048 \
--boot-disk-type pd-standard \
--format json \
--image debian-10-tf-2-4-0-v20201215 \
--image-project ml-images \
--machine-type n1-highmem-96 \
--min-cpu-platform skylake \
--network-interface network=default,network-tier=PREMIUM,nic-type=VIRTIO_NET \
--no-restart-on-failure \
--project <GCP project> \
--quiet \
--scopes cloud-platform \
--tags perfkitbenchmarker \
--zone <GCP zone> \
- Create the TPU instance
gcloud compute tpus create <tpu instance name> \
--accelerator-type v3-128 \
--format json \
--network default \
--project <GCP project> \
--quiet \
--range <some IP range, e.g.> \
--version 2.4.0 \
--zone <GCP zone>
double check software versions. The Python version should be 3.7.3, and the tensorflow version should be 2.4.0.
Run the training script
python3 ./ \
--bert_config_file=gs://<input GCS path>/bert_config.json \
--nodo_eval \
--do_train \
--eval_batch_size=640 \
--init_checkpoint=gs://<input GCS path>/model.ckpt-28252 \
'--input_file=gs://<input GCS path>/tf_records4/part-*' \
--iterations_per_loop=3 \
--lamb_beta_1=0.88 \
--lamb_beta_2=0.88 \
--lamb_weight_decay_rate=0.0166629 \
--learning_rate=0.00288293 \
--log_epsilon=-6 \
--max_eval_steps=125 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--num_tpu_cores=128 \
--num_train_steps=600 \
--num_warmup_steps=287 \
--optimizer=lamb \
--output_dir=gs://<output GCS path> \
--save_checkpoints_steps=3 \
--start_warmup_step=-76 \
--steps_per_update=1 \
--train_batch_size=8192 \
--use_tpu \
--tpu_name=<tpu instance name> \
--tpu_zone=<GCP zone> \
--gcp_project=<GCP project>
The evaluation workload can be run on different TPUs while the training workload is running:
The host instance for training can be reused for eval.
Create a TPU-v3-8 instance:
gcloud compute tpus create <eval tpu name> \
--accelerator-type v3-8 \
--format json \
--network default \
--project tf-benchmark-dashboard \
--quiet \
--range <IP range, e.g.> \
--version 2.4.0 \
--zone <some GCP zone>
- Run the eval script:
python3 ./ \
--bert_config_file=gs://<input path>/bert_config.json \
--do_eval \
--nodo_train \
--eval_batch_size=640 \
--init_checkpoint=gs://<input path>/model.ckpt-28252 \
'--input_file=gs://<input path>/eval_10k' \
--iterations_per_loop=3 \
--lamb_beta_1=0.88 \
--lamb_beta_2=0.88 \
--lamb_weight_decay_rate=0.0166629 \
--learning_rate=0.00288293 \
--log_epsilon=-6 \
--max_eval_steps=125 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--max_seq_length=512 \
--num_tpu_cores=8 \
--num_train_steps=600 \
--num_warmup_steps=287 \
--optimizer=lamb \
--output_dir=gs://<same output path as training> \
--save_checkpoints_steps=3 \
--start_warmup_step=-76 \
--steps_per_update=1 \
--train_batch_size=8192 \
--use_tpu \
--tpu_name=<eval tpu name> \
--tpu_zone=<GCP zone> \
--gcp_project=<GCP project>
The eval mode doesn't do distributed eval, so no matter how many cores are used, the per-core batch size is always 80. 125 steps will go over all the 10k eval samples on each core. The final accuracies will be averaged across cores, but since the data to feed each core are all the same, the averaging doesn't do anything.
If evaluating after training is needed, use "--keep_checkpoint_max=<a large number>" in the training command, modify the "checkpoint" file in the <output path> to point to a checkpoint to evaluate (there are multiple checkpoints within <output path>, each ended with a different step number), and run the eval script with "--num_train_steps=<step number of the checkpoint file to evaluate>". By doing this, the eval script will just evaluate once instead of looping for new data. DO NOT feed an outputed checkpoint to init_checkpoint for evaluation, because initial checkpint loading skips some slot variables.
Below is an example for evaluation after training; DO NOT use this method while the training process is still active, because it will overwrite the "checkpoint" file in the output directory.
output_path="gs://<same output path as training>"
for step_num in 0 $(seq 600 -3 3); do
echo "model_checkpoint_path: \"model.ckpt-${step_num}\"" > $local_ckpt
echo "all_model_checkpoint_paths: \"model.ckpt-${step_num}\"" >> $local_ckpt
gsutil cp $local_ckpt $output_path
python3 ./ \
--do_eval \
--nodo_train \
--init_checkpoint=gs://<input_path>/model.ckpt-28252 \
--output_dir=${output_path} \
--num_train_steps=${step_num} \
... other flags follow the above eval command
> ${log_dir}/step${step_num}_eval.txt 2>&1
The GradientAggregationOptimizer can accumulate gradients across multiple steps, on each accelerators, before actually applying the gradients. To use this feature, please note the following:
Because an additional set of non-trainable weights are used to store the accumulated gradients, the memory footprint of the model doubles. It is highly recommended to use accelerators with larger memory to overcome the memory limitation, such as A100 GPUs.
The initial checkpoint needs to be converted using This script adds the extra set of weights to the checkpoint to store accumulated gradients. The converted checkpoint size is roughtly doubled.
python3 --old=<path to the oritinal initial checkpoint> --new=<path to the converted checkpoint>
Adjust the hyper-parameters, assuming the batch size is bs, and gradients are accumulated across n steps:
.- use the learning rate for batch size bs * n, because that's the effective batch size to the optimizer.
- use
for batch size bs * n, but scale them up n times. - note that the step numbers reported by the training script is based on batch size bs.
Although Gradient Accumulation is a good technique to simulate training with large batch sizes on small hardware systems, there are places that can introduce slightly different behaviors, thus may bring small variances to the achieved accuracies:
- when intended to simulate n accelerators each has a sub-batch of size bs, on a single accelerator, the moving mean and variance compuation of LayerNorm layers is performed in serial order, instead of independently on each acclerator;
- there is a clip_by_globalnorm op just before calling the optimizer; the clipping maybe different for different per-accelerator batch size;
- the accumulation order of gradients is serial under gradient accumulation, which may be different from the accumulation order of cross-device gradient sumations (i.e. allReduce, or cross-replica-sum).