This is a simple plugin for the PocketMine-MP and Steadfast2 server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition. It is intended for troubleshooting and/or a deeper understanding of what is happening in the lower level networking of pocketmine. Right now it simply records all the data packets that are sent and received in a 15 minute period and then writes an output file for viewing.
Plop into the plugins directory of your PocketMine-MP server and run your server as normal. When your server shuts down or
after 15 minutes (whichever comes first) there will be a report in the /plugin/PacketTracker-Log
's directory. You can run
from source with Dev Tools or package and run from a PHAR.
- Add notes to all the code
- Create a config file and make configurable (recording times, where to write logs, etc.)
- Order report by packet counts
- More information in report like how many players were online, etc.
- Delete log/reports after a number of days
Packets tracked from 01-05-2016_09:55:15 through 10:10:14
SetEntityMotionPacket = 2749732
BatchPacket = 1038130
SetSpawnPositionPacket = 522
PlayStatusPacket = 522
StartGamePacket = 261
SetTimePacket = 5266
SetDifficultyPacket = 261
ContainerSetContentPacket = 6319
PlayerListPacket = 54770
CraftingDataPacket = 261
TextPacket = 182444
MovePlayerPacket = 12877
AdventureSettingsPacket = 502
SetEntityDataPacket = 416834
RespawnPacket = 535
MobEquipmentPacket = 718425
ContainerSetSlotPacket = 14148
MoveEntityPacket = 9742411
LevelEventPacket = 275305
AddEntityPacket = 15261
AddPlayerPacket = 43960
MobArmorEquipmentPacket = 53755
AnimatePacket = 644738
ContainerOpenPacket = 435
TileEventPacket = 19485
DisconnectPacket = 209
RemovePlayerPacket = 36707
ContainerClosePacket = 428
UpdateBlockPacket = 124435
UpdateAttributesPacket = 5460
EntityEventPacket = 55883
AddItemEntityPacket = 93558
RemoveEntityPacket = 105412
TakeItemEntityPacket = 39550
TileEntityDataPacket = 34
LoginPacket = 276
MovePlayerPacket = 531261
ContainerSetSlotPacket = 15965
MobEquipmentPacket = 10273
MobArmorEquipmentPacket = 497
PlayerActionPacket = 44703
AnimatePacket = 21752
InteractPacket = 3582
UseItemPacket = 8519
TextPacket = 128
ContainerClosePacket = 434
RemoveBlockPacket = 475
CraftingEventPacket = 105
EntityEventPacket = 236
DropItemPacket = 4
Sent Packets: 16458835
Received Packets: 638210
TOTAL: 17097045