This project started for creating open standards and documentation for floating islands.
We believe, that ocean colonization require working of thousands and millions people and one company can`t do this. So we need an open standard that ensures that a module built by a Filipino fisherman can dock with a Finnish programmer's module.
Also based components mass production make them cheaper, and open standards help to save money for all enthusiasts.
FAQ Questions and answers for newcommers
Decision tree Details on what decisions we made so far
Workers A list of people who work on prototypes
Russian Section of the project dedicated for russian speaking people
Similar A list of similar projects and technologies(normal view)
Similar A list of similar projects and technologies(wiki view)
Seasteading institute is the most famous company in this area. But it`s very closed organization. They planned to built first floating town in French Polynesia this (2018) year, but you can find only small document about environmental pollution and few strange renders.