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David Leoni edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 2 revisions


Uby Wordnet


Wordnet 3.1 comes with textual db files in custom text format, see WordNet manual for reference. They can hold several semantic relations, but the most important ones for us are the commonly called IS-A and PART-OF, which we now describe in detail. Some good explanation can also be found here.

IS-A relation

The IS-A relation (for example collie IS-A shepherd_dog), in linguistic terms can be also rephrased as collie hasHypernym shepherd_dog. Specifically, in WordNet we can find written a relation called hypernym (which uses @ as shorthand), that can be actually read like hasHypernym. So in the db you would find the edge

collie hypernym shepherd_dog

stated in a format like:

02106030 05 n 01 collie 0 001 @ 02104523 n 0000 | a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland

where 02104523 is the ID of shepherd_dog

The inverse of hypernym would be hyponym (with shorthand ~)

Note original Wordnet db files have BOTH hypernym and hyponym edges.

IS-A for instances

There is also the special case for when an instance IS-A somenthing, like Italy IS-A European_Country. In linguistic terms can be also rephrased as Italy hasInstanceHypernym European_country. Specifically, in WordNet we can find written a relation called instance hypernym (which uses @i as shorthand), that can be actually read like hasInstanceHypernym. So in the db you would find the edge

Italy instanceHypernym European_country

stated in a format like:

08819530 15 n 03 Italy 0 Italian_Republic 0 Italia 0 078 @i 08714745 n 0000 #p 09298379 n 0000 #m 08190414 n 0000 #m 08191297 n 0000 + 02968612 a 0101 -r 01154838 a 0000 -r 01276493 n 0000 -r 01276664 n 0000 -r 01285678 n 0000 -r ...<REDACTED>.. | a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula; was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD

where 08714745 is the ID of European_country

The inverse of instance hypernym would be instance hyponym (with shorthand ~i)

Note original Wordnet db files have BOTH instance hypernym and instance hyponym edges.

PART-OF relation

The PART-OF relation (for example arm PART-OF armchair) in linguistic terms can be also be rephrased as arm hasPartHolonym armchair. Specifically, in WordNet we can find written three kind of PART-OF relations, part holonym, member holonym and substance holonym. We will focus on the only transitive one, part holonym. It uses #p as shorthand, and can be actually read like hasPartHolonym. So in the db you would find the edge

arm part holonym shepherd_dog

stated in a format like:

02737660 06 n 01 arm 2 003 @ 02741475 n 0000 #p 02738535 n 0000 ~ 04607982 n 0000 | the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person

where 02741475 is the ID of armchair.

The inverse of part holonym would be part meronym (with shorthand %p)

Note original Wordnet db files have BOTH part holonym and part meronym edges.

Uby Wordnet

Uby converter 0.7.0 on Wordnet 3.0 produces these synset relations. Notice that although antonym relations are present in Wordnet, they don't get imported!

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