npm install diy-handlebars-helpers
var helpers = require('diy-handlebars-helpers');
helpers(); // returns a dictionary of helpers { name: function () {} }
Registering helpers w/ handlebars
var hbs = require('handlebars-runtime');
var _ = require('lodash');
_.extend(hbs.helpers, require('diy-handlebars-helpers')());
npm test
{{abbr-count 4000}} // 4k+
{{capitalize 'hey dude'}} // Hey dude
{{chr-gt 'hey dude' 3}}
// WOO! string is greater than 3
// string is not longer than 3
{{chr-lt 'hey dude' 3}}
// string is less than 3
// WOO! string is not less than 3
{{#each-key object}}
Key: {{this.key}} Value: {{this.value}}
{{#each-limit items 3}}
// will only iterate 3 times even if items is longer
{{#each-reverse items}}
// iterating backwards!
{{either false true false}}
// at least one value was true
// none were true
{{encodeURIComponent exactlyWhatYouThink}}
{{#eq val1 val2}}
// absolute comparision was true ===
// here not so much
{{firstof false false 'real value' false}} // "real value" great for picking default text for empty variables
{{#if-gt 10 5}}
// of course 10 is greater than 5
// this wouldn't execute
{{#if-lt 5 10}}
// of course 5 is less than 10
// this wouldn't execute
{{indefinite-article 'apple'}} // an
{{indefinite-article 'pineapple'}} // a
{{{input-select "month" options "05"}}} // builds <select name="month">...</select> an
should be a multi-dimentional array: [['val1', 'text1'], ['val2', 'text2']]
. If no
text is provided, the value will be used for the option text.
The third optional argument is the default value. (will get the selected
{{#iter items}}
{{i}} //index
{{iPlus1}} // index + 1
{{join array ","}} // "item1, item2"
{{neither false false false}}
// all must be false for this to execute
// at least one was true
{{#not-eq val1 val2}}
// absolute not comparision was true !==
// here not so much
{{number 100000}} // "100,000"
{{#pack-it items}}
{{content}} // original item
{{size}} // pack size
{{paragraphify textWithNewLines}} // <p>first line</p><p>second line</p>
{{possessive 'john'}} // "john's"
{{#repeat 5}}Hello!{{/repeat}} // "Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!"
{{subtract a.length 2}}
{{title-case 'hey hey hey'}} // "Hey Hey Hey"
{{truncate '[email protected]'}} // "mysuperlon…"
{{truncate '[email protected]' 16}} // "mysuperlongemail…"
{{truncate '[email protected]' 16 ''}} // "mysuperlongemail"
{{truncate 'Some sente nce with a space at truncation index.'}} // "Some sente…" - trims trailing whitespace before appending
{{urlify 'Hey Hey'}} // "hey-hey"