Displaying a Bootstrap 3 grid in a page.
First install the module, preferably in a virtual environment. It can be installed from PyPI:
pip install fluentcms-bootstrap_-rid
First make sure the project is configured for django-fluent-contents.
Then add the following settings:
'slot name': {
'plugins': ('BootstrapRowPlugin', 'BootstrapColumnPlugin', ...),
The database tables can be created afterwards:
./manage.py migrate
The plugins are renderd with the HTML that Bootstrap prescribes:
<!-- the row that contains multiple columns -->
<div class="row">
<!-- a single column -->
<div class="col-xs-6">
The standard Bootstrap 3 CSS will provide the proper styling for this.
If you like this module, forked it, or would like to improve it, please let us know! Pull requests are welcome too. :-)