Ceres is a strong UCI chess engine that uses the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm and deep neural networks.
Importantly, Ceres also intended a comprehensive software platform for chess engine and neural network research, designed for modularity, flexibility, and efficiency.
The Ceres project has continued to progress since initial engine introduction at the beginning of 2021.
Ceres reached three milestones in late 2024:
- Publishing of multiple neural networks (of various sizes and speeds) trained using CeresTrain on the CeresNets repository.
- Publication of the first official engine release (1.0) on GitHub.
- First public participation in tournaments, including:
- TCEC Swiss 7 (3rd place)
- TCEC Cup 14 (4th place)
- TCEC S27 Entrance League (1st place)
- TCEC League 2 (1st place)
Installing Ceres involves several steps:
- verifying prerequisites
- installing supporting libraries (Microsoft .NET, NVIDIA CuDNN)
- installing Ceres engine (either binary executable or building fron source)
- configuring Ceres engine
- (optional) configuring Ceres engine for highest performance (with the NVIDA TensorRT library)
The Ceres neural network architecture is similar to that of that Lc0, featuring a postnorm encoder stack and multiple output heads (value, policy, ancillary). Importantly, Ceres copies extremely helpful the RPE (relative positional encoding) feature.
Extensive architecture search as been performed using PyTorch with the CeresTrain training pipeline to try to identify improvements. The version 1.0 Ceres networks incorporate several additional features or adjustments that are believed to modestly boost performance and functionality:
- The input preprocessing and output layers are simpler, with merely an embedding layer followed by normalization at input and simple FFN layers as output. The positional encoding takes the simple fo rm of one-hot vectors (for ranks and files).
- An added NonLinear Attention (NLA) feature augments the dot product self attention mechanism by adding an additional linear mappings connected by a nonlinearity in the preprocessing of the K, Q and V matrices. It closely follows the idea as proposed in "NEURAL ATTENTION: ENHANCING QKV CALCULATION IN SELF-ATTENTION MECHANISM WITH NEURAL NETWORKS ". Tests suggest it adds about 25 Elo for a cost of about 10% slowdown.
- Initially the RPE feature of Lc0 was copied, except that only the K and Q parts are used (not V). Subsequently (with the 512x25 net) the RPE was replaced with the prior Smolgen technique of Lc0 due to higher inference speed, thanks to the analysis of Kovax.
- A new second-order optimizer SOAP is used during training instead of Adam. Tests show that training convergence is sped up by about 30% (iterations) and 20% (wall-clock), with possibly superior performance at final convergence.
- Experiments and also theoretical analysis from the literature suggest the current generation of chess transformers may not have the optimal shape, in particular they could benefit from greater depth relative to width. This seems intuitively plausible given the "lookahead nature" of a sequential decision making process like Chess. See: Scale efficiently..." and Depth to Width Interplay....
- Auxiliary output heads of potential use for human interest or aiding search are available:
- value head uncertainty
- policy head uncertainty
- projected future game score volatility
Ceres ("Chess Engine for Research") is:
- a state-of-the-art UCI-compliant chess engine employing the AlphaZero-style Monte Carlo Tree Search and deep neural networks
- a flexible, modular and efficient software library with an exposed API to facilitate research in computer chess
- a set of integrated tools for chess research (e.g for position analysis, suite testing, tournament manager)
- ancillary features and applications to facilitate human analysis of chess positions, for example an integrated graphing feature which generates on-the-fly visualizations of Ceres search results within a web browser, or game comparison feature which generates visualizations of differences between 2 or more games from a PGN file.
The Ceres MCTS engine is a novel implementation written in C# for the Microsoft .NET framework. This system comprises about 80,000 lines of source in 500 source code files, developed as a way to try to make something good come of COVID confinement. The underlying neural networks (and backend code to execute them) and backend code are currently mostly borrowed from the LeelaChessZero project via a "plug-in" architecture.
It is important to acknowledge that this project stands "on the shoulders of giants" - the pioneers in the field such as DeepMind with their AlphaZero project and the ongoing Leela Chess Zero project. In some cases significant sections of code are largely based upon (transliterated from) other open source projects such as Fathom (for tablebase access) or Leela Chess Zero (CUDA backend logic).
Although several fine open source implementations of MCTS engines are currently available, this project is hoped to provide several important benefits:
- enhanced search speed, particularly on computers with multiple fast GPUs
- a comprehensive API for chess research, rather than a narrow focus on a UCI engine
- an integrated set of tools (such as suite or tournament management) which simplify and accelerate testing of new research ideas
- an implementation using a modern programming language with features such as automatic garbage collections and development environments that provide edit/compile/debug inner loops which are almost instantaneous
- a convenient testbed for implementing and evaluating potential new algorithmic innovations
Ceres was first released at the end of 2020 is still relatively early in its development. Support for the neural network backend is current limited to CUDA-capable GPUs.
During 2020 numerous significant enhancements were made, including:
- added support for Linux operating system
- implemented the CUDA backend directly in C# (using transliteration and enhancement to the LC0 backend code, including of the CUDA graphs feature for reduced inference latency)
- implemented C# tablebase probing logic (via a transliteration of the Fathom project code)
- added numerous algorithmic enhancements such as sibling blending and uncertainty boosting
- significantly improved CPU and memory efficiency, especially for very large searches
Ceres playing strength is currently competitive with top chess engines such as Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish, depending of course considerably upon the particular types of hardware (CPU and GPU) available for each engine.
The Ceres architecture is object oriented and organized into five layers:
- Ceres.Base - supporting algorithms and data structures not specific to the game of Chess
- Ceres.Chess - generic logic relating to the game of chess, such as move generation
- Ceres.MCTS - highly efficient implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Ceres.Features - implementations of various supplemental features such as suite and match play
- Ceres - top-level Console mode application with command line parsing to launch desired feature (or UCI engine)
The class library is intended to be reusable and offer comprehensive chess functionality to facilitate research, for example including:
- low-level chess concepts such as boards, moves, games, principal variations
- interfaces to external data such as PGN or EPD files, or local/remote neural network files
- a set of neural network position evaluators (including random, ensembled, roundrobin, split, or pooled)
- interfaces to external engines (via UCI)
- integrated MCTS search engine allowing customization of parameters or introspection of computed search trees
- high-level modules for automated suite or tournament testing
The external API is not yet considered stable. Future effort will result in the publication of documentation and more extensive code samples of the API, along with an overview of the underlying data structures and algorithms.
As a teaser, the following examples demonstrate how the API can be leveraged to perform complex tasks using only a very small number of lines of code.
Numerous small to medium-sized features are believed to combine to help deliver strong performance of both search speed and play quality, including:
A novel "dual CPUCT node selection algorithm" is used which alternates between two CPUCT levels (centered around the target CPUCT) on each batch, thereby minimizing collisions (and allowing larger batches) in selected leafs and combining elements of greater breadth and depth simultaneously for improved play quality (suggested earlier by LC0 contributor Naphthalin).
MCTS leaf selection is highly parallelized in an almost lock-free way, with only a single descent and each visited node being visited at most once.
MCTS leaf selection via PUCT algorithm is accelerated via SIMD hardware intrinsics (AVX), which is made feasible by the above-mentioned parallelized descent algorithm.
An overlapping execution approach allows efficient concurrent gathering and evaluation of batches.
A relative virtual loss technique is used rather than absolute (to reduce the magnitude of distortions caused by node selection with virtual loss applied).
The underlying search tree nodes are represented as fixed-size memory objects which are cache-aligned and reserved up front by dynamically committed only as needed. This structure enhances performance and facilitates efficient serialization of search tree state. The data structures use 32-bit node indices instead of 64-bit pointers to reduce memory consumption and make one-shot binary serialization possible. A set of "annotations" are maintained for a cached subset of active nodes, containing derived information useful in search.
Transpositions are detected and short-circuited from needing neural network re-evaluation by copying the neural networks from the nodes already "in situ" in the tree (thereby obviating explicit transposition tables or any limit on their size). A "virtual subtree" techinque is used to avoid instantiating subtrees which are already transpositions until they exceed 3 nodes in size, thereby improving efficiency and reducing memory requirements.
Best move selection is often based on Q (subtree average evaluation) instead of N (number of visits). Among other benefits, this opens the door to search methods more tuned to BAI (best arm identification) at the root.
A "sibling blending" technique sometimes averages in information to newly visited nodes from their siblings which have not yet been evaluated in the subtree but have already been evaluated in other branches of the tree (i.e. are transpositions) thereby taking further advantage of the substantial information captured in the full memory-resident search tree.
An "uncertainty boosting" technique slightly incentivizes exploration at nodes with high uncertainty (historical variability of backed-up node evaluations), in the spirit of the UCB algorithm's optimism (more variability might signal more potential upside, and/or indicates that the marginal information gain of further visits is higher).
Extensive use is made of fairly fine-grained parallelism to speed up many operations, using the .NET Thread Parallel Library (TPL) for convenience and high efficiency.
Critical components of the engine have been extensively optimized with the help of tools such as Intel vTune and careful attention to processor details such as memory alignment, false sharing, NUMA effects, locking primitives, prefetching, branch prediction, and maximizing instruction-level parallelism.
The neural network evaluator framework is extensible with current implementations provided for random, CUDA using Leela Chess Zero networks, and an experimental NVIDIA Tensor RT backend accepting ONNX network files, facilitating experimentation with alternate network architectures or inference precisions (8 bit).
The setup instructions describe the sequence of steps currently needed to install and configure Ceres. Although installation procedures have been simplified since since first release, the process is not yet "single-click" easy and does require several steps and careful attention.
As is typical of chess engines, no GUI is directly provided. Instead users typically use GUI front-ends such as Arena, or the excellent Nibbler (https://github.com/rooklift/nibbler/releases) GUI which is optimized for MCTS-style engine such as Ceres or Leela Chess Zero.
Event logging and statistics collection are very useful (and interesting) tools. Ceres provides an optional realtime monitoring system.
It is hoped that Ceres will be a community effort. At this early stage, it probably does not make sense to be soliciting a large number of small improvements. Instead it is suggested that contributions would be most useful in the following areas:
- testing of installation and operation on heterogeneous software/hardware environments
- testing against alpha/beta engines such as Stockfish
- feedback on the (limited) documentation provided so far
- opening issues to identify any bugs or anomalies noted in testing
- independent assesment of Ceres actual performance (speed and play quality)
- comments on the design and API surface
- suggestions for the most needed missing features
Somewhat bigger picture, thoughts and help with the architecture and implementation of backends would be especially welcomed. In particular, it is hoped to eventually generalize the interface between LC0 backends and arbitrary clients so this large and complex set of backends could be more widely leveraged by other chess engines including Ceres.
It goes without saying that Ceres builds on the work of many other researchers and software developers, most notably:
- DeepMind's Alpha Zero project (for the basic architecture and search algorithms)
- Leela Chess Zero project for the neural networks and backends for inferencing with those networks
- Judd Niemann for the move generator code (translated and adapted from C++) (https://github.com/jniemann66/juddperft)
- Microsoft for the elegant C# language, performant .NET runtime, and excellent set of free software development tools such as Visual Studio
Special thanks are owed to to Kan for creating the Ceres logo as shown at the top of this page.
Ceres is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or later of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Ceres is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Leela Chess. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
The source files of Ceres have the following additional permission, as allowed under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with NVIDIA Corporation's libraries from the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit and the NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the respective license agreement, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.