For this to work, you must install the following packages:
conda install -c bioconda biopython
conda install -c bioconda gffutils
conda install pandas numpy
cd ~/
git clone
annot2pathologic/ --help
usage: [-h] [--gff GFF] [--gtf GTF] [--ec EC] [--kog KOG] [--go GO] [--seq SEQ] [--mapfile MAPFILE] [--outputdir OUTPUTDIR]
Convert annotations to Pathologic file format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gff GFF input gff file name
--gtf GTF input gtf file name
--ec EC input EC number annotations file name
--kog KOG input kog annotations file name
--go GO input go annotations file name
--seq SEQ input (unmasked) sequence file
--mapfile MAPFILE map from GFF to Annotation IDs (default is protein_id)
--outputdir OUTPUTDIR output directory
Assume you have downloaded the annotation and assembly of Rhizopus delemar 99-880
Assume you have initialized a Pathway/Genome database named rhizopuscyc using Pathologic.
Tools->Pathologic->Database->Create new
unzip ~/Downloads/
cd Rhior3
gunzip *.gz
~/annot2pathologic/ \
--gff Rhior3.filtered_proteins.BroadGene.gff3 \
--ec \
--kog \
--go \
--seq Rhior3_scaffolds.fasta \
--outputdir ~/ptools-local/pgdbs/user/rhopuscyc/1.0/input
- You are now ready to go to
Build->Specify Replicons
- Generate an organism.dat file from the NCBI taxonomy that will allow you to run pathologic from the command-line, rather than invoking pathway-tools.
- Require only pointing to the base directory of a Mycocosm download, and will find all the appropriate annotation files automagically.
- Require only pointing to the base URL of a Mycocosm download, and will download the files it needs and convert them to pathologic file format automagically.