Submission for the Homework for Week 5 (Work Day Scheduler)
Making html:
made all the HTML based off of the example gif
each hour has its own row, with 3 divs (hour, note and save-btn-div)
note has a textarea with an id of hour-text
save-btn-div has a button with the class of saveBtn and id of hour-btn
Textarea background color:
find the current time using moment.js
set the color of the textarea to grey if the time is in the past
set the color of the textarea to red if the time is current
set the color of the textarea to green if the time is in the future
Setting the textarea from saved
find the textarea using jquery.find(attr)
retrieve any saved text from localStorage
set it to the corresponding textarea
when a button is clicked it saves the text that is in the corresponding textarea to localStorage
modified and added to css styling
added comments
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