Making html:
- made HTML divs based off of the example image, but used Javascript to add anything to the screen
- search button and input are in a form
- array of cities search are added below the form into a list of buttons
- each button changes the search form to what its value is and then searches using that value
- got api data from openweathermap using ajax:
- to search the user input and get basic data as well as coords
- to get uv index using coords from first ajax call
- to get 5 day forecast using coords from first ajax call
- search button runs func searchCity() using the value of the search input to search for the city
- each city button runs the same as the search button by filling the search input with the text of the button and then runs func searchCity()
- list gets search value from localStorage
- however, if it is not present, it will not do anything
- but if it does, it will add a button with the city that is saved
Misc Javascript:
- used jquery to get, set and add html elements to the screen
- citySearchArray updates each time a new city is searched
- if a city has already been searched, it will delete it from the array
- deleting it from the array, deletes it from the list, but then adds it right back to the first position for both
- func unixTimeConverter
- used to convert unix time from openweathermap api into readable time, then returns only the date, not the time
- func searchList
- used to add city to array as well as search history list
- adds event listeners to the buttons to update screen to city's api data
- modified and added to css styling
- added comments
- made