Scroll strings on the LCD display in a specific position
//for LiquidCrystal library use:
//for LiquidCrystal_I2C library use:
init(charArray, ScrollSpeed, Row, startColumn, endColumn);
//charArray - pointer to the char array(C string) you want to scroll
//ScrollSpeed - unsigned int delay between text movements
//(The delay() function is not used so it does not block the program)
//Row , start and end column variables are position setting variables
scrollMode(mode);//SCMODE1, SCMODE2, SCMODE3, SCMODE4
//repeatedly call this function to get moving the text on the LCD
scrollText(); //returns int value, 0 - text moved
// 1 - end of the string has reached
// -1 - beginning of the string has reached(available just in SCMODE1)
// -2 - invalid mode has selected