This package was relevant for an old version of MUD. Use MUD's built-in ERC modules.
ERC1155 and ERC721 Subsystems that use components to store data
Experimental additions to @latticexyz/solecs
See first for context on solecs and what a System is.
A Subsystem is a System that inherits OwnableWritable instead of Ownable.
Call Subsystem.authorizeWriter(systemAddress)
to allow a System to execute a Subsystem.
Install dependencies via node
yarn install
Run tests via both forge and hardhat
yarn test
Forge is used for tests internally. Except ERC tests are entirely taken from @solidstate/spec, which is why hardhat is also used.
They have similar contracts with shared suffixes:
- VData - Virtual data abstraction, like an internal interface
- Internal - ERC internals, inherits VData
- Logic - ERC public+internal methods, inherits Internal. This is a full ERC implementation, lacking only a data provider.
- DataComponents - data provider (only simple setters/getters), inherits VData.
- ERC__Subsystem - Logic + DataComponents + Subsystem + constructor + default execute implementation.
Full ERC1155/721 and Subsystem implementation, with a default execute and sub-executes (mint,burn,transfer all share 1 contract). Its components may be read by anyone without even awareness of ERC1155/721, but writes must always go through ERC__BaseSubsystem (this is mostly because of events, only 1 contract should emit them).
Data and Logic separation isn't really necessary, but this was an interesting use case for it. For example by having Logic + DataStorage + constructor you could get an ordinary ERC1155/721 implementation (where DataStorage implements VData but just uses normal contract storage). And imo keeping components away from Logic makes it easier to compare to @solidstate/contracts (I tried to keep it very similar, and even reuse tests via @solidstate/spec).
These exist as an optional addition to ERC__BaseSubsystem. They are pure-ECS wrappers for transfers and approvals. I'm not sure they're useful.
Instantiates prototypes, ensures a reverse mapping.
is encoded with protoEntity
to get instanced entity in newInstance
and other methods.
ScopedValueFromPrototype has an example.
FromPrototype-wrapped version is likely more useful.
Interact with batches (identified by scope) of entity values, or individual entity values.
Scope is for doing batched read/increase/decrease without looping through everything.
Value is any kind of entity to counter mapping.
ScopedValueFromPrototypeTest has an example.