This container provides a zabbix_server instance.
It's designed to be used in conjunction with other containers and data-only containers and provides only 1 process: zabbix_server.
The idea is to use this container with docker-zabbix-mysql and docker-zabbix-web to form a working Zabbix installation, following the Docker principle of only using 1 process per container.
The zabbix-server binary bundled with this Git repository is patched with to enable the server process to run in the foreground.
This is an example to create a working Zabbix 2.4 server using docker-zabbix-server.
Create a data-only container to hold the actual database data:
docker run -v /var/lib/mysql --name zabbix-data busybox true
Pull and build docker-zabbix-server:
git clone git:// .
docker build -t dkanbier/zabbix-server docker-zabbix-server/
Pull and build docker-zabbix-mysql:
git clone git:// .
docker build -t dkanbier/zabbix-db docker-zabbix-mysql/
Pull and build docker-zabbix-web:
git clone git:// .
docker build -t dkanbier/zabbix-web docker-zabbix-web/
Now we have every component of Zabbix in a separate container, ready to start:
Start the database:
docker run -d --name zabbix-db --volumes-from zabbix-data dkanbier/zabbix-db
Start the Zabbix server and link it to the database:
docker run -d --name zabbix-server --link zabbix-db:zabbix-db dkanbier/zabbix-server
Start the web server:
docker run -d --name zabbix-web -p 80:80 --link zabbix-db:zabbix-db --link zabbix-server:zabbix-server dkanbier/zabbix-web
Done. There should be 3 running containers now:
e835be9e5a85 dkanbier/zabbix-web:latest apachectl -DFOREGROU>80/tcp
dc1b4fbd756f dkanbier/zabbix-server:latest /usr/sbin/zabbix_ser 10051/tcp, 10052/tcp
7b956c5cd7eb dkanbier/zabbix-db:latest /bin/bash / 3306/tcp
And the Zabbix GUI should be availabe on the exposed port 80 in path /zabbix
with user Admin
and password zabbix
open http://`boot2docker ip`:80/zabbix