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Invoicing API + Bootstrap Client

⚠️ This repository is no longer maintained. Please look for alternatives.


Invoicing tool designed to create invoices for customers world-wide, using a foreign, widely-used currency such as USD, all while taking into account the bureaucracy in the country of residence (domestic), with its local currency.

This invoicing tool is most useful when the local currency in the country of residence is different from the currency used to sell products or services. It solves this issue by creating duplicate invoices, one copy for the customer, in the foreign currency and language, and one copy for the emitting company, in the local currency and language, which also includes details of the customer's copy (such as the value in the foreign currency).


  • RESTful API for automatic invoicing
  • Client web application that works with the API for manual invoicing
  • Create invoices in two currencies and languages (foreign and domestic)
  • Foreign invoice copy in english (or any other language), using foreign currency such as USD
  • Domestic invoice copy in romanian (or any other language), usign domestic currency such as RON
  • Invoice number prefix and auto-numbering
  • Branding watermark
  • Exchange rate integration for USD to RON

Invoicer API


This invoicing tool is meant as an inside tool, so current authentication implementation is a basic API key check.

Edit the .env file and set your API key to something long and unique (a 16 character alphanumeric string should do).

For each API call, send the key parameter containing the API key you've just set.

If you haven't set the API key in your configuration file or if the key parameter doesn't match the one you've set, all requests to the API will get a 401 Unauthorised response. Currently, there's no plan in implementing any other sercurity measures such as oAuth or two-factor authentication. Feel free to fork and implement whatever you find necessary in your case.


All request follow the standards of RESTful API.


Responses follow the jSend specifications by Omniti Labs. All JSON responses include a status field that can be success, fail or error. The difference between fail and error is that while fail indicates an error in the request (such as invalid information provided), error will indicate unhandled exception and other server errors that aren't tightly related to the request.


The settings are stored in the settings table. Update these to your own needs and requirements.

  • next_invoice (numeric) The next invoice number that will be created via the Create invoice request.
  • invoice_prepend (string) String to be prepended to each invoice number.
  • invoice_digits (string) Total number of digits for the invoice number (zero padding).
  • seller_name (string) The seller's name (company who sells goods or services).
  • seller_info (text) Seller information such as registration number, address, bank account, social capital etc.
  • issuer (string) Name of the person that issues the invoices (usually someone from your company).
  • issuer_info (string) Information related to the person that issues the invoices.
  • vat_percent (string) Standard VAT percent (although please take into consideration that EU companies should bill VAT percent according to the buyers country of residence, not sellers).
  • decimals (numeric) Number of decimals for pricing values.
  • domestic_currency (string) Usually RON or the currency code in the seller's country.
  • domestic_language (string) Lowercase two-letter language code for the domestic invoice copy (ex. ro).
  • foreign_currency (string) Foreign currency such as USD
  • foreign_language (string) Foreign invoicing language such as en
  • branding_label (string) Big label to display on the invoice

Currency exchange rates

By default, the Invoicer API retrieves currency rates for Romanian Leu (RON). To adapt it to your country, update the retrieveRemote() method in the \Services\CurrencyConverter class. The code is design to locally persist every exchange rate it uses to save up API requests and bandwidth.

To get the rate for your foreign currency, launch the my:currency artisan command:

vagrant@homestead:~/invoicer/api$ php artisan my:currency
Persisting today's currency...
1 USD = 3.9650 RON

Exchange rate retrieving is set as a scheduled command, designed to run daily at midnight. So add scheduled commands to your cron file to have this up and running on a daily basis:

* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Exchange rates are retrieved even if they haven't been persisted by the daily cron job. But to prevent dependency on a third party service, it's recommended that you have the cron job set up.

Invoices /invoice Resource

Listing all invoices - GET /invoice

Retrieves a list of invoices with basic information: id, invoice number, issue date, seller and buyer information, VAT %, products, issuer and receiver information.


  • created_after (optional) retrieve only invoices created after the specified date (format YYYY-MM-DD)
  • created_before (optional) retrieve only invoices created before the specified date


curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" ''


  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": 323,
      "invoice": "CVI F010",
      "issued_on": "2015-09-07",
      "seller_name": "Lucian Daniliuc",
      "seller_info": "321 Vadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania",
      "buyer_name": "Maxwell Smart",
      "buyer_info": "123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA",
      "vat_percent": "25.00",
      "products": "[{\"test\":\"product\"}]",
      "issuer_info": "",
      "receiver_info": "",
      "branding": "",
      "extra": "",
      "created_at": "2015-09-07 10:36:52",
      "updated_at": "2015-09-07 10:36:52"
      "id": 324,
      "invoice": "CVI F011",
      "issued_on": "2015-09-08",
      "seller_name": "Lucian Daniliuc",
      "seller_info": "321 Wadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania",
      "buyer_name": "Maxwell Smart",
      "buyer_info": "123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA",
      "vat_percent": "25.00",
      "products": "[{\"test\":\"product\"}]",
      "issuer_info": "",
      "receiver_info": "",
      "branding": "",
      "extra": "",
      "created_at": "2015-09-08 06:56:08",
      "updated_at": "2015-09-08 06:56:08"

Creating a new invoice - POST /invoice


curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --form 'seller_name=Lucian Daniliuc' \
  --form 'seller_info=321 Vadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania' \
  --form 'buyer_name=Maxwell Smart' \
  --form 'buyer_info=123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA' \
  --form vat_percent=25 \
  --form 'products=[{"description":"Ice Cream","quantity":2,"price":3.5,"currency":"USD"},{"description":"Peanut Butter","quantity":1,"price":15,"currency":"USD"}]' \
  --form key=YOUR_API_KEY


  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "seller_name": "Lucian Daniliuc",
    "seller_info": "321 Vadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania",
    "buyer_name": "Maxwell Smart",
    "buyer_info": "123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA",
    "vat_percent": "25",
    "products": "[{\"description\":\"Ice Cream\",\"quantity\":2,\"price\":3.5,\"currency\":\"USD\"},{\"description\":\"Peanut Butter\",\"quantity\":1,\"price\":15,\"currency\":\"USD\"}]",
    "invoice": "CVI F012",
    "issued_on": "2015-09-08",
    "updated_at": "2015-09-08 07:04:30",
    "created_at": "2015-09-08 07:04:30",
    "id": 325

Sending a POST request without all the required information (for example without buyer information) will result in a 400 Bad Request response:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --form 'seller_name=Lucian Daniliuc' \
  --form 'seller_info=321 Vadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania' \
  --form vat_percent=25 \
  --form 'products=[{"description":"Ice Cream","quantity":2,"price":3.5,"currency":"USD"},{"description":"Peanut Butter","quantity":1,"price":15,"currency":"USD"}]' \
  --form key=YOUR_API_KEY
  "status": "fail",
  "code": 400,
  "data": {
    "buyer_name": [
      "The buyer name field is required."
    "buyer_info": [
      "The buyer info field is required."

Getting an invoice - GET /invoice/{id}

curl --request GET --url ""
  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "id": 330,
    "invoice": "F017",
    "issued_on": "2015-09-08",
    "seller_name": "Lucian Daniliuc",
    "seller_info": "321 Wadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania",
    "buyer_name": "Johnny Smart",
    "buyer_info": "123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA",
    "vat_percent": "25.00",
    "products": "[{\"description\":\"Ice Cream\",\"quantity\":2,\"price\":35,\"currency\":\"RON\"},{\"description\":\"Peanut Butter\",\"quantity\":1,\"price\":150,\"currency\":\"RON\"}]",
    "issuer_info": "Lucian Daniliuc\nTM499701",
    "receiver_info": "Johnny Smart\n[email protected]",
    "branding": "invoicer",
    "extra": "Exchange rate 1 USD = 3.7399 RON\n<br /><br />\nServices subject to the reverse charge - VAT to be accounted for by the recipient as per Article 196 of Council\nDirective 2006/112/EC",
    "created_at": "2015-09-08 12:09:54",
    "updated_at": "2015-09-08 12:09:54",
    "exchange_rate": 0

If the invoice is in a foreign currency, you'll also get the domestic price converted:

curl --request GET --url ""
  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "id": 330,
    "invoice": "F016",
    "issued_on": "2015-09-07",
    "seller_name": "Lucian Daniliuc",
    "seller_info": "321 Wadyia Street\nTimisoara\nRomania",
    "buyer_name": "Johnny Smart",
    "buyer_info": "123 Acme Street\nVancouver\nNorth Carolina\nUSA",
    "vat_percent": "25.00",
    "products": "[{\"description\":\"Ice Cream\",\"quantity\":2,\"price\":3.5,\"currency\":\"USD\",\"price_domestic\":13.88},{\"description\":\"Peanut Butter\",\"quantity\":1,\"price\":15,\"currency\":\"USD\",\"price_domestic\":59.48}]",
    "issuer_info": "Lucian Daniliuc\nTM499701",
    "receiver_info": "Johnny Smart\n[email protected]",
    "branding": "invoicer",
    "extra": "Exchange rate 1 USD = 3.7399 RON\n<br /><br />\nServices subject to the reverse charge - VAT to be accounted for by the recipient as per Article 196 of Council\nDirective 2006/112/EC",
    "created_at": "2015-09-08 12:09:54",
    "updated_at": "2015-09-08 12:09:54",
    "exchange_rate": "3.9650"

As you can see, the response contains the price_domestic attribute in the products JSON array and you'll also notice the exchange_rate attribute that's now being populated.

Updating invoice information - PUT /invoice/{id}

The PUT request is used when you want to update ALL of the invoice's attributes. If you leave optional fields out, they will be cleared, if you leave required fields out, you'll get a 400 Bad Request response.

Updating invoice information - PATCH /invoice/{id}

PATCH is used to update one or several attributes.

Deleting invoice - DELETE /invoice/{id}

DELETE permanently deletes an invoice from the database. It however doesn't decrease the auto-incremental invoice number.

Settings /setting Resource

The settings are described earlier and are used for various configuration of the invoicing tool.

Getting all settings - GET /setting

Retrieves a list with all the saved settings and their value.

curl --request GET \
  --url ''


  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "next_invoice": "22",
    "invoice_prepend": "F",
    "invoice_digits": "3",
    "seller_name": "ACME Inc.",
    "seller_info": "J11/2222/3333\nRO99995555\n17 Noname Str.\nTimisoara, Timis\nRomania",
    "issuer": "Jhon Travolta",
    "vatPercent": "24",
    "brandingLabel": "Invocerware",
    "decimals": "2",
    "domestic_currency": "RON",
    "foreign_currency": "USD"

Getting a setting - GET /setting/{name}

curl --request GET \
  --url ''


  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "value": "ACME Inc."

Saving a setting - PUT /setting/{name}

A setting's value is changed via PUT requests. For example:

curl --request PUT \
  --url '' \
  --data value=Oversee%20Inc.
  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": "Oversee Inc."

Deleting a setting - DELETE /setting/{name}

A setting is deleted via DELETE requests.

curl --request DELETE \
  --url ''


  "status": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": ""

Run in Docker

To build the containers, run:

docker-compose up -d

It will create 3 containers:

  • invoicer-api - URL: localhost:8100
  • invoicer-client - URL: localhost:8200
  • invoicer-db

Modify .env files for both API and client, to connect to invoicer-db container for MySQL data:


For client's .env file, change INVOICER_ENDPOINT to point to invoicer-api container:


Connect to invoicer-client container:

docker exec -it  -e COLUMNS="`tput cols`" -e LINES="`tput lines`" invoicer-client bash

Then run the migration:

cd /var/www/html
php artisan migrate

Connect to invoicer-api container:

docker exec -it  -e COLUMNS="`tput cols`" -e LINES="`tput lines`" invoicer-api bash

Then run the migration and db seed:

cd /var/www/html
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

These 2 steps should be done only once, MySQL data is being persisted in ./docker-mysql-data folder.

In browser open http://localhost:8200 and use the credentials for the default user: [email protected] / password


If you're using an older git version you'll need to clone the submodules (TCPDF for example):

$ git submodule update --init --recursive


Invoicer contains a small suite of tests to check the integrity of the operations. Tests are stored in the tests folder. Feel free to add more tests as you see fit.

vagrant@homestead:~/invoicer/api$ phpunit
PHPUnit 4.8.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 8.52 seconds, Memory: 63.75Mb

OK (35 tests, 106 assertions)


Invoicing API + Bootstrap Client







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

