A Python web-scraper for LinkedIn company, person, and job-level data.
For the company scraper:
- name
- description/overview
- website
- phone
- headquarters
- founding date
- industry type
- speciaities
- Selenium WebDriver
- pandas
Download the appropriate WebDriver version for your browser of choice. Ensure that the chromedriver.exe file is in your project folder.
This project used WebDriver for Chrome (Chrome Version 74 and ChromeDriver 74).
To check your Chrome version:
- Go to the upper right corner of your browser and click the 'three vertical dots' icon.
- Select 'Settings' from the drop-down menu.
- Once on the Settings page, go to the upper left corner and click the 'three horizontal bars' icon.
- Select 'About Chrome'.
main_scraper.py is the file to run.
- Edit the path to the file you want to read the data in from --> read_excel function
- Edit the name of the file you want to save your data output in --> write_csv function
- Edit the amount of LinkedIn URLs you want to go through --> limit_list function