Powerful extension for react-router to declare routes.
Using npm:
$ npm install --save react-router-flux
And then you can import components as follows:
// using an ES6 transpiler, like babel
import { Dispatcher, View, Action, Input } from 'react-router-flux';
// not using an ES6 transpiler
var Dispatcher = require('react-router-flux').Dispatcher;
var View = require('react-router-flux').View;
var Action = require('react-router-flux').Action;
var Input = require('react-router-flux').Input;
<Dispatcher component={ReactClass}/>
Property | Type | Required | Description |
component | ReactClass |
yes | A React component |
The declaration can define in Dispatcher inside only
<View path={String}/>
Property | Type | Required | Description |
path | String |
yes | Route path |
The declaration can define in a View inside and in a Dispatcher too, but as default value and can be overridden.
<Input name={String} value={Any}/>
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | String |
yes | Input property name |
value | Any |
no | Input property value |
Note: If the value define as Function you can access to route variables 'params', 'query' and 'state', see below example.
The declaration can define in Dispatcher inside only
<Action on={String} to={String} query={Function|Object}
Property | Type | Required | Description |
on | String |
yes | Event ID of the component |
to | String |
yes | Redirect Route path |
query | Function or Object |
no | Define query params for the Route path |
state | Function or Object |
no | Define route state for the Router |
params | Function or Object |
no | Define params for the Route path |
class TodoMVC extends React.Component {
render() {
let {
filter, /** filter parameter **/
onFilter, /** to go to /todomvc/active when onFilter({filter: 'active'}) **/
onFilterNotFound /** to go to /error/404 **/
} = this.props;
//store filter variable as path parameter
// `/todomvc` -> <TodoMVC filter="all"/>
// `/todomvc/active` -> <TodoMVC filter="active"/>
const mapping_v1 = (
<Dispatcher component={TodoMVC}>
{/*as default value*/}
<Input name="filter" value="all"/>
<View path="/todomvc(/:filter)">
<Input name="filter" value={({params, query, state}) => params.filter}/>
<Action on="filter" to="/todomvc(/:filter)"
params={({filter}) => { return {filter} }}/>
<Action on="filterNotFound" to="/error/404"/>
//store filter variable as path parameter v_2
// `/todomvc` -> <TodoMVC filter="all"/>
// `/todomvc/active` -> <TodoMVC filter="active"/>
const mapping_v2 = (
<Dispatcher component={TodoMVC}>
<View path="/todomvc">
<Input name="filter" value="all"/>
<View path="/todomvc/active">
<Input name="filter" value="active"/>
<View path="/todomvc/completed">
<Input name="filter" value="completed"/>
<Action on="filter" to="/todomvc(/:filter)"
params={({filter}) => { return {filter} }}/>
//store filter variable as query parameter
// `/todomvc` -> <TodoMVC filter="all"/>
// `/todomvc?filter=active` -> <TodoMVC filter="active"/>
const mapping_v3 = (
<Dispatcher component={TodoMVC}>
{/*as default value*/}
<Input name="filter" value="all"/>
<View path="/todomvc">
<Input name="filter" value={({params, query, state}) => query.filter}/>
<Action on="filter" to="/todomvc"
query={({filter}) => { return {filter} }}/>
<Action on="filterNotFound" to="/error/404"/>
MIT, © 2017 Dmitry Divin.