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Parcel Template

This project was created using Parcel. To get familiar with its setup and additional capabilities, refer to the documentation.

Setting Up a New Project

  1. Ensure that the LTS version of Node.js is installed on your computer. Download and install it if necessary.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Rename the folder from parcel-project-template to your project name.
  4. Create a new empty repository on GitHub.
  5. Open the project in VSCode, launch the terminal, and link the project to the GitHub repository following this guide.
  6. Install project dependencies by running: npm install.
  7. Start development mode by executing the npm start command.
  8. Go to the following address in your browser http://localhost:1234. This page will be automatically reloaded after saving the changes in the project files.

Files and folders

  • All parshals of style files should lie in the src/sass folder and be imported into the page style files. For example, for index.html the style file is called index.scss.
  • You add images to the src/images folder. The builder optimizes them, but only when the production version of the project is deployed. All this happens in the cloud so it doesn't load your computer, because on weak machines it can take a long time. a lot of time.


To customize your project's deployment, there are a few additional steps to follow to customize your repository. Go to the Settings tab and in the sub-section Actions select the General option.

GitHub actions settings

Scroll down the page to the last section, where you make sure you select options like in the following image and click Save. Without these settings, the build will not have not have enough permissions to automate the deployment process.

GitHub actions settings

The production version of the project will be automatically built and deployed to GitHub Pages, to the gh-pages branch, every time the main branch is updated. For example, after a direct push or an accepted pool-request. To do this, you need in the file package.json file edit the homepage field and the build script by replacing your_username and your_repo_name to your own, and submit the changes to GitHub.

"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
  "build": "parcel build src/*.html --public-url /your_repo_name/"

Next you need to go into the GitHub repository settings (Settings > Pages) and set the distribution of the production version of the files from the /root folder of the gh-pages branch, if it was not done automatically. this was not done automatically.

GitHub Pages settings

Deploy Status

Deploy status of the last commit is displayed by the icon next to its identifier.

  • Yellow color - the project is being built and deployed.
  • Green color - deploy completed successfully.
  • Red color - an error occurred during linking, building or deploying.

More detailed information about the status can be viewed by clicking on the icon and in the drop-down window by clicking Details link.

Deployment status

Live Page

After a while, usually a couple of minutes, the live page can be viewed at the address specified in the edited homepage property. For example, here is is a link to the live version for this repository

If a blank page opens, make sure there are no errors in the Console tab related to incorrect paths to CSS and JS files of the project (404). Most likely most likely you have wrong value of homepage property or build script in package.json file. package.json file.

How it works

How it works

  1. After each push to the main branch of the GitHub repository, a special script (GitHub Action) from the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file.
  2. All repository files are copied to the server, where the project is initialized and is initialized and built before being deployed.
  3. If all the steps are successful, the built production version of the project files is sent to the gh-pages branch. Otherwise, the log of the script execution log will indicate what the problem is.