This framework uses as a starting point the NanoAODv4 ntuples. It is setup to not make use of CMSSW, but typically is run with CMSSW_10_2_X environment to get consistant versions of compilers and root libraries.
To compile, first a couple of files must be checked out (for use in JES systematics). The JEC files needing to be checked out can obtained through the following:
mkdir jecFiles
cd jecFiles
tar -zxf Summer16_23Sep2016V4_MC.tar.gz
cd -
Additionally, for btagging scale factors, the appropriate scale factor files can be copied from Danny's area. These have been taken from the twiki, and placed on cmslpc for easier access.
cp /uscms/homes/d/dnoonan/TTGammaFiles/CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv .
cp /uscms/homes/d/dnoonan/TTGammaFiles/DeepCSV_Moriond17_B_H.csv .
cp /uscms/homes/d/dnoonan/TTGammaFiles/DeepCSV_94XSF_V3_B_F.csv .
Then, simply compile the code with make