XML parser, marshaller, pretty printer, SOAP adapter
yet another minimalistic general purpose middleware platform featuring:
- Relational DB backends for PostgreSQL, ClickHouse;
- HTTP binding with JWT, Redis authentication plugins;
- plugins for DevExtreme, w2ui Web UI libraries.
- dir-list Iterating over file paths in a given set of directories, lambda filters
- file-path-maker organize incoming files in a predictably growing hierarchy
- events-to-winston Observing an EventEmitter, logging to winston
- pwd-shaker password hashing with salt, pepper
Some hand made finite atomata, replacing trivial RegExps for the sake of performance:
- string-escape-map Escape a given map of special characters
- string-is-uuid RegExp free UUID validator
- string-normalize-space XPath 1.0 normalize-space analog
- string-replace-balanced Replace simple custom tags
- csv-events An event based CSV parser
- untar-csv Read a tar of multiple csv files as a stream of objects
- dbf-reuse Using old .dbf files as templates for new ones
- xlsxtream Reading XLSX spreadsheets in streaming mode with limited memory