This is a demo project for ThymeLeaf integration with Spring MVC 3.
This demo is a support for the following articles
[Spring MVC part III: ThymeLeaf integration] (
[Spring MVC part VI: ThymeLeaf advanced usage] (
The official website for ThymeLeaf project is here
- Install Maven 3
- Compile the project with mvn clean install
- Run Jetty from Maven : mvn jetty:run
- Connect to the application at
The default users are "ddoan/password" but you can change it in the applicationContext-security.xml file
- All examples can be accessed by the URL[N] where [N] ranges from 1 to 7
Note: there is currently no "Logout" link to log out from the application. The security layer & login feature have been added to illustrate ThymeLeaf integration with Spring Security. To logout properly, you can just type