A Wordle clone made using vanilla JavaScript
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I created this as an educational exercise, all rights to Wordle belong to it's respective owner
This wordle clone does not attempt to be a 100% accurate clone, but here are features currently supported
- Basic Gameplay
- Animations
- Keyboard
- Stats/Stats Modal
- Win Distribution Graph
- Shareable Game Representation
- Toast Messages
- Persistence
- Infinite Gameplay
I intend for Wordle - Vanilla to become more fully featured than the original. Here are some currently planned features.
- Instructions Modal
- Full A11y
- One-Per-Day/Hourly Mode with Timer
- Options Center
- Color Blind Mode
- Wordle Definition
- Progressive Web App Support
- Remider Notifications
- More Interesting Stats e.g. Colored Stats/Animated Graph
- User Generated Games/Shareable Games
- Hints
- Variable Wordle Lengths
- User Accounts
- A particular letter (e.g. 'N') will only 'light up' (be colored green or yellow) as many times as it is in the word.
- If you repeat a letter more times than it is contained in the word, and one of the repeated letters is in the correct position, that letter will always light up in green.
- If you repeat a letter more times than it is contained in the word, but none of the repeated letters is in the correct position, the first letter will light up in yellow.
To do
- Fix Pointer Bugs
- Fix Last Letter not droping in
- Fix trying to style bars before created
- Fix Letters taking on last used styles
- Refactor gameboard to include tile state
- Refactor Rows to be zero based
- Refactor pointer logic
- Refactor styling logic
- Instructions Modal
- Full A11y
- One-Per-Day/Hourly Mode with Timer
- Options Center
- Wordle Definition
- Progressive Web App Support
- Remider Notifications
- More Interesting Stats e.g. Colored Stats/Animated Graph
- User Generated Games/Shareable Games
- Hints
- Variable Wordle Lengths
- User Accounts