Kai(Kardiachain) Relayer is an important character of Poly cross-chain interactive protocol which is responsible for relaying cross-chain transaction from and to Kardiachain.
- Golang version 1.14 or later
git clone https://github.com/polynetwork/kai-relayer.git
cd kai_relayer
go build -o kai_relayer main.go
After building the source code successfully, you should see the executable program kai_relayer
docker build -t polynetwork/kai_relayer -f Dockerfile ./
This command will copy ./config.json to /app/config.json in the image. So you need to prepare config.json before running this command and you should start the kai-relayer in container basing on the configuration in /app/config.json.
Before you can run the relayer you will need to create a wallet file of PolyNetwork. After creation, you need to register it as a Relayer to Poly net and get consensus nodes approving your registeration. And then you can send transaction to Poly net and start relaying.
Before running, you need feed the configuration file config.json
"RestURL":"http://poly_ip:20336", // address of Poly
"EntranceContractAddress":"0300000000000000000000000000000000000000", // CrossChainManagerContractAddress on Poly. No need to change
"WalletFile":"./wallet.dat", // your poly wallet
"WalletPwd":"pwd" //password
"SideChainId": 2, // kai side chainID registered on poly
"RestURL":"https://[email protected]", // your kai node
"KeyStorePath": "./keystore", // path to store your kai(ethereum) wallet
"KeyStorePwdSet": { // password to protect your kai(ethereum) wallet
"0xd12e...54ccacf91ca364d": "pwd1", // password for address "0xd12e...54ccacf91ca364d"
"0xabb4...0aba7cf3ee3b953": "pwd2" // password for address "0xabb4...0aba7cf3ee3b953"
"BlockConfig": 20, // blocks to confirm a kai tx
"HeadersPerBatch": 500, // number of kai headers commited to poly in one transaction at most
"MonitorInterval": 3, // seconds of ticker to monitor kai chain
"EnableChangeBookKeeper": false // normally speaking, set this value as false
"BoltDbPath": "./db", // DB path
"RoutineNum": 64,
"TargetContracts": [
"0xD8aE73e06552E...bcAbf9277a1aac99": { // your lockproxy hash on kai chain
"inbound": [6], // from which chain allowed
"outbound": [6] // to which chain allowed