This repository aims to implement a scientific machine learning model in a scenario where only parts of the system (in terms of variables and variable interactions) are known. The test case chosen fr thsi approach is a MAPK cascade model by Sarma and Ghosh (2012). The repository contains an implementation of their model (currently only S2, S1 to be implemented later) and a hybrid version of the same model where some intermediate species are taken out, see Figure 1 below, which is a slide from a presentation I had given.
The hybrid model contains augmented neural ODEs which both link the disjoint parts of the model and provide additional dimensionality to represent the missing variables.
Package installation should be as simple as:
import Pkg
If there are any problems with this, please raise an issue.
The package currently implements DifferentialEquations.jl
and Flux.jl
, a data generation function gen_gauss_input_data
which generates data with narrow gaussian pulses of hybrid_model_s2
and functions that take a parameter array P
and produce predictions (predict_node_gaussian
), loss_node
), as well as two convenience functions do_plot
which plots comparisons between the true data and the hybrid model data, and callback
which stores data and calls do_plot
### Importing packages
import SarmaHybrid
import Distributions
import Flux
import Optimization
import Optimisers
import OptimizationOptimisers
import IterTools
dt = 0.1 ### time-step for data saving
### data generation using the model S2
N_TRAIN = 10 ### Number of simulations to run
const TSPAN_TRAIN = (0, 500) ### Time span of the simulations
const SAVE_T_TRAIN = TSPAN_TRAIN[1]:dt:TSPAN_TRAIN[2] ### Array of times for which data will be saved
INIT_TRAIN = SarmaHybrid.init_concs ### Initial concentration, taken from Sarma, Ghosh (2012)
const max_u0 = maximum(SarmaHybrid.init_concs()) ### Used for scaling the concentrations to a range of 0 to 1
INP_DISTS_TRAIN = [2:6, Distributions.Uniform(TSPAN_TRAIN[1], TSPAN_TRAIN[2]-TSPAN_TRAIN[2]/5.), Distributions.Uniform(5/max_u0, 500/max_u0)] ### Array of objects used to sample the parameters for input functions: # of inputs, timing of inputs, amplitude of input
n_spc = 9 ### number of real species
aug_dim = 1 ### augmented dimensionality in aNODEs
h_dim = 5 ### number of NN hidden units
o_dim = 2 ### number of variables needed to link the real species
net = Flux.Chain(Flux.Dense(n_spc + aug_dim, h_dim, Flux.celu), ### neural network definition
Flux.Dense(h_dim, h_dim, Flux.celu),
Flux.Dense(h_dim, o_dim + aug_dim))
const net_p, net_re = Flux.destructure(net)
TRAINING_DATA = cat(TRAINING_DATA, zeros(aug_dim, size(TRAINING_DATA)[2], size(TRAINING_DATA)[3]), dims=1) ### augmenting data for aNODEs
train_loss = [] ### array to save training loss
const L2_reg_LAM = 1e-6 ### L2 regularization size
loss(p, X_T, X_A, Y) = SarmaHybrid.loss_node(p, X_T, X_A, Y, net_re, TSPAN_TRAIN, SAVE_T_TRAIN, max_u0, L2_reg_LAM) ### closure for the loss function
pred_func(p) = SarmaHybrid.predict_node_gaussian(TRAINING_DATA[:, 1, end], net_re, p, TRAINING_INPUTS_T[:,end], TRAINING_INPUTS_A[:,end], TSPAN_TRAIN, SAVE_T_TRAIN, max_u0) ### closure to generate predictions using the hybrid model S2
cb(param, l) = SarmaHybrid.callback(param, l, pred_func, TRAINING_DATA[:,:,end], "Plots/S2_", train_loss, SAVE_T_TRAIN, "save") ### callback for convenience, saves data in Plots/ by default, to avoid spamming directory with plot files
adtype = Optimization.AutoForwardDiff() ### ad type used to calculate gradients
opt_func = Optimization.OptimizationFunction((x, p, X_T, X_A, Y) -> loss(x, X_T, X_A, Y), adtype)
opt_prob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(opt_func, net_p)
### Training parameters
train_loader = Flux.Data.DataLoader((TRAINING_INPUTS_T, TRAINING_INPUTS_A, TRAINING_DATA); batchsize=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=true) ### data loader for batching during training
res = Optimization.solve(opt_prob, Optimisers.Adam(), IterTools.ncycle(train_loader, MAX_ITERS), callback=cb) ### training proper ```