Car Watch is currently live!:
Car Watch allows you to monitor the new listings on using DynamoDB, Python, Lambda, and EventBridge.
The code found in the extracting_and_loading_data folder will allow you to first scrape all the car listing data. Run this command to install the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
On AWS, set up a DynamoDB instance, make sure you keep track of the table name.
to scrape all of the data off of Make to create a folder called "data" before running this script.
Running the python notebook batch_upload_to_dynamo.ipynb will upload all of the csv files created to your Dynamo DB instance.
To make it so that your scraper runs every day and can fetch the latest car listings. Lambda is a useful tool to schedule CRON jobs. To learn how to install layers and dependencies on lambda, follow:
- : this code will scrape for new listings and populate the DB accordingly
- : this code allows you to set up an API gateway for external usage. Such as deploying to a dashboard or sharing with other users.