By using certain libraries and build tools it is possible to compile and run and python code on V5, EDR and IQ robots.
There is a command line tool available for building/compiling the code if you wish to use your own IDE (eg. VS Code).
The documentation for the command line tool is avialable here:
However to build and run a file on your V5 brain simply plug it into your computer via USB and run the following line in the CMD:
rmbuild v5
If you wish to use RobotMesh's defualt IDE with built in build and run buttons you can download it here:
For documentation on the vex python library:
For documentation for EDR:
For more examples than the ones provided please check out my main vex robotics repositiory where you can see the code for the 2018-2019 Turning Point game.
If you have trouble with the documentation I would also recommend downloading the robot mesh IDE for a little while as this really helps with autocomplete and setting up parameters correctly.
If you need any help with programming or designing robots please don't hesitate to contact me, my email can be found on my profile page: