This repository contains implementation of RESTful Bank Service for money transfer between accounts.
Implementation was created with focus on following requirements:
- Focus on small footprint
- Fast startup time
- Avoid usages of heavy framework
Currently service supports following operations:
- Creating Account
- Listing Accounts with their balance
- List Total Deposit
- Transferring Money between Accounts
Below is the list of tools used during development:
- Java 21
- Maven
- SparkJava
- Guice
- OpenAPI
- Swagger Codegen
- Lombok
- JSR 303/380 Bean Validation
- Mockito
- ...
To compile project type:
mvn clean install
There are two ways to run project:
- Directly from maven
- Using executable JAR
To run project from maven, execute:
mvn exec:java
To run project from Executable JAR, go to target folder and type:
java -jar bank-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Following properties can be configured during startup by properties:
- host -
- port - service.port
- max threads in pool - service.max.threads
For example, if you want to change port execute:
mvn exec:java -Dservice.port=8081
or from, when using jar:
java -Dservice.port=8081 -jar bank-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
API is described with OpenAPI, specification is available inside api.yaml. Based on this file DTOs were generated with usage of Swagger Codegen.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/ -X GET
"status": "up"
$ curl http://localhost:8080/accounts -X POST -d '{
"initialDeposit": "100.00"
"status": {
"account": {
"accountId": "0481998112065640",
"balance": 100
$ curl http://localhost:8080/accounts -X GET
"status": {
"accounts": {
"accounts": [
"accountId": "8955895919049153",
"balance": 100
"accountId": "0481998112065640",
"balance": 200
"totalDeposit": 300
$ curl http://localhost:8080/transfer -X POST -d '{
"from": "8955895919049153",
"to": "0481998112065640",
"amount": "50.0"
"status": {
"moneyTransfer": {
"from": "1922183208146240",
"to": "2311254104558146",
"amount": 50
Dominik Cebula