this project is used by donghl17 during his summer_intern_2019 in nics_lab, tsinghua university
codes are changed and added based on the original version and codes are kept updating
some changes we make: 1.add a new case of two_robot in the scenario of house 2.add some codes used for profiling but now they are all noted 3.add a package named "testrrt",written in c++, whose function is to load a .bag file and publish them on the can use it while you are debugging 4.rewrite the "mapmerge" package based on the package is not finished yet and if you want to use it, please use the command “rosrun mapmerge_test mapmerge_test_dhl”.this node should be run when you roslaunch the "two_simulated_house.launch" or "mutliple_simulated_largeMap.launch" and some parameters need to be changed.
what we will do in the future: 1.add a .launch file for the mapmerge package(seeting some parameters for a better API) 2.make the codes more user-friendly~ 3.although slam can be down in the lastest version, donghl are still confused about some phenomenon 4.add some new function in the mapmerge package.(for example:rotating)