Helpers to organize and route messages in complex Phoenix channels.
Add the following to your mix.exs dependencies:
{:channel_handler, "~> 0.6"}
After defining a channel with vanilla Phoenix's channel
channel "post:*", MyAppWeb.PostChannel
Define your channel handler, and add use ChannelHandler.Router
in addition to the
use MyAppWeb, :channel
defmodule MyAppWeb.PostChannel do
use MyAppWeb, :channel
use ChannelHandler.Router
Now you can start defining matchers and event handlers:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PostChannel do
use MyAppWeb, :channel
use ChannelHandler.Router
join fn _topic, _payload, socket ->
{:ok, socket}
plug MyAppWeb.ChannelPlugs.EnsureAuthenticated
event "comments:create", MyAppWeb.PostCommentsHandler, :create
delegate "comments:", MyAppWeb.PostCommentsHandler
handle "post:create", fn payload, _bindings, socket ->
case MyApp.Posts.create(payload) do
{:ok, post} ->
{:reply, {:ok, post}, socket}
{:error, reason} ->
{:reply, {:error, reason}, socket}
scope "secret:" do
plug &check_permission/4, :do_secret_stuff
# You can use splat patterns to match anything with *
event "foo:*", SuperSecretHandler, :foo
# Not specifying a prefix matches everything
delegate SuperSecretHandler
def check_permission(socket, _payload, _bindings, permission) do
if MyApp.Authorization.can?(socket.assigns.current_user, permission) do
# using :cont resumes the event handling
{:cont, socket, payload, bindings}
# returning :reply or :noreply halts the event handling
{:reply, {:error, "Unauthorized"}, socket}
defmodule MyAppWeb.PostCommentsHandler do
use ChannelHandler.Handler
# Add a plug only for the create action
plug MyAppWeb.ChannelPlugs.CheckPermission, :comment_posts when action in [:create]
def handle_in(event, payload, bindings, socket) do
# Do something with the delegated event
def create(payload, bindings, socket) do
# Create a comment
For more explanations about the API functions and what's possible, check the
docs for ChannelHandler.Dsl
Copyright (c) 2023 [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.