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Working with clients

Popoklopsi edited this page Jan 14, 2014 · 8 revisions

This part of the wiki shows you how to use the client part of the API.

How to get client information

There are a few natives and forwards to retrieve information about clients.

Information to know whether a client is valid or not:

  • Forward STAMM_OnClientReady(client)
    This forward will be executed after a client joined and is fully initialized by Stamm.

    Here you can be sure to use all client natives. Use this instead of forwards like OnClientConnected.

  • Native STAMM_IsClientValid(client)
    This native return true when a client is fully loaded by Stamm. Use this if you are unsure whether you can use client natives or not.

Other forwards and natives for clients:

  • Forward STAMM_OnClientBecomeVip(client, oldlevel, newlevel)
    This forward will be executed after a client reaches a new level.

    Parameter oldlevel is the old level of the client and newlevel the new level. The new level can also be lesser than the oldlevel.

  • Forward STAMM_OnSaveClient(client)
    This forward will be executed after a client was saved to the database.

  • Native STAMM_GetClientLevel(client)
    This native return the level of the client.

    For more information about levels read: What are levels

  • Native STAMM_IsClientAdmin(client)
    This native return whether the client is a admin in Stamm or not.

How to control points of clients

First of all you can use the native STAMM_GetClientPoints(client) to get the number of points a client have.

Then you can use a few natives to change these points.

  • You can add points with the native STAMM_AddClientPoints(client, points)

  • You can delete points with the native STAMM_DelClientPoints(client, points)

  • And you can just set points with the native STAMM_SetClientPoints(client, points)

If you wanna know when the client get new points, then you can take the forward STAMM_OnClientGetPoints(client, points).

This will execute when the client get new points. Parameter points is not the new points number of the client, it is the number of points he got.

You can also prevent the client of getting points, or change the number of points he get.

For this there is the forward STAMM_OnClientGetPoints_PRE(client, &points).

You can change the parameter points, to change the number of points he get, or return Plugin_Handled, to prevent the client of getting points.