Major update: SCCAN directional
This is a major update, the default SCCAN output has changed:
- SCCAN weights now show relationship with behavior
- SCCAN weights can now range -1 to 1
- added 'directionalSCCAN' argument for back compatbility
- default sparseness range is now -0.9 to 0.9
- removed pval.img output from SCCAN output
- removed rawStat argument from SCCAN
- raw SCCAN weights always returned in rawWeights.img output
- new outputs returned from SCCAN: eig2 and ccasummary
- removed sccan.BehaviorWeight output, info now in eig2 output
- added sparseness.behav argument to lsm_sccan
- changed names for lowerSparseness, upperSparseness, nFolds, etc.
- overall info display improvements
- increased 'cvRepetitions' automatically for small samples
- lesymap screen output now captured in printedOutput variable
- save.lesymap() now saving printed output
- changed warnings to cat for proper output capture