You can find details on the new features and bug fixes in alpha4 at the corresponding release pages for the following ASP.NET vNext components:
- Caching
- Configuration
- DataCommon.SQLite
- DataCommon
- DataProtection
- DependencyInjection
- Diagnostics
- EntityFramework
- FileSystem
- Hosting
- HttpAbstractions
- Identity
- KestrelHttpServer
- KRuntime
- Logging
- Options
- Razor
- Routing
- Security
- SignalR-Server
- StaticFiles
- WebSocketsAbstractions
- WebSockets
Known issues
- ASP.NET scenarios on the Core CLR version of the KRE are not currently functional on Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2. This is a temporary issue that will be addressed in the next preview release.