Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release was canceled
Check failure on line 5810 in Build log
azure-pipelines / dotnet-linker-tests (Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release)
Build log #L5810
The Operation will be canceled. The next steps may not contain expected logs.
Check failure on line 103 in src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj
azure-pipelines / dotnet-linker-tests (Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release)
src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj(103,5): error MSB5021: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) Terminating the task executable "cmd" and its child processes because the build was canceled.
Check failure on line 103 in src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj
azure-pipelines / dotnet-linker-tests (Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release)
src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj(103,5): error MSB5021: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) Terminating the task executable "cmd" and its child processes because the build was canceled.
Check failure on line 103 in src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj
azure-pipelines / dotnet-linker-tests (Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release)
src\libraries\shims\ApiCompat.proj(103,5): error MSB4181: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) The "Exec" task returned false but did not log an error.
Check failure on line 5829 in Build log
azure-pipelines / dotnet-linker-tests (Build Build windows x64 release Runtime_Release)
Build log #L5829
The operation was canceled.