source files to build and run a syringe pump
syringe pump model is built in freecad
Designed to use a Nema 17 stepper motor with an A4988 microstepping driver
Python code communicates with an arduino via USB serial using the PyFirmata package. Arduino controls the stepper driver with digital outputs.
Arduino should have StandardFirmata
code uploaded (from the arduino IDE: File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata
Arduino wiring and microstepping logic follow the conventions described here:
Pyro4 is used for remote communication
On raspberry pi, both a Pyro4 nameserver and the stepper_server must be running
To run nameserver
$ conda activate syringe_pump
$ python -m Pyro4.naming -n <IP OF PI>
To run stepper_server:
$ conda activate syringe_pump
$ python
On remote computer:
$ conda activate syringe_pump
Then, at a python prompt:
>> import Pyro4
>> s = Pyro4.Proxy("PYRONAME:stepper.server")
>> s.calibrate('1ml') #or '5ml'
To test remote connection:
>> s._pyroBind() # should return True
>> s.toggle_builtin_led() # should toggle the builtin arduino LED
To dispense 10 uL:
>> s.dispense(10)
To retract 100 uL
>> s.retract(100)
Pyro also allows connections through html. On raspberry pi:
$ python -m Pyro4.utils.httpgateway -H <IP OF PI> -e stepper.server
From a browser:
to deliver a 10 ul reward:
http://<IP OF PI>:8080/pyro/stepper.server/deliver_reward?volume=10
to check the step count:
http://<IP OF PI>:8080/pyro/stepper.server/step_count