Updates are still a work in progress.
Install and configure puppetmaster via ansible!
Everything that will get a real puppetmaster up and running.
- puppetserver (4.5.0)
puppetdb & puppetdb-terinus (2.0.0)- hiera
- facter
r10k (1.2.1)- git
- puppet-lint
Configure puppetmater
- with puppetdb via ssl (:8081)
hieradata in /etc/puppet/environmentsr10k will sync hieradata
$ git clone git@github.com:dpisano/ansible-puppetmaster.git
$ mkvirtualenv ansible
$ pip install ansible
Install a puppetmaster on a node called 'puppet' (change the hosts.ini)
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini install.yaml
The tests assume that you have ansible and docker installed on your
local machine. By running ./tests/run_tests.sh
a new machine
will be created and ansible will take over and install the puppetmaster.
The ubuntu:14.04
is also assumed to be installed locally.
serverspec will make sure that everything is install and configured as it should be.