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v2.0.0 .10

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@dpradov dpradov released this 07 Dec 20:41
· 11 commits to master since this release

IMPORTANT: New saved files can only be opened with version 2.0.0 +
(Please, remember to make backups of .knt files. Recommended option: 'Backup at regular intervals')

Language files (.lng) ready to be translated/updated. See #752 (Translating KeyNote NF)
In addition, I will upload to this entry the translation files (.lng) that you provide me, once completed.

Translations now available:

This version includes many fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed: After exiting the Find window (Ctrl+F) with ESC, "Find All" did not return all results.

  • Fixed: Find Next could incorrectly select the first pattern found in a note with images (when traversing from another node)

  • Fixed: Replace All could change an incorrect position when traversing from another node, if the current node has images

  • Fixed: ClipCap with "Create a new node and paste into it" when copying from Scratchpad

  • Fixed: Changing the image storage mode on a new, not yet saved file, throws an exception

  • Fixed: Error when trying to "relocate" an external storage image of type ZIP

  • Fixed: Ensured consistency between external storage type and presence or absence of .zip extension

  • Fixed: Merge folder with images on file with EmbeddedRTF mode

  • Fixed: Included 'KeyNote files' in drop-down list from File|Import...

  • Fixed: Scrollbar position could be forgotten when returning to app with Hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+...)

  • Fixed: Don't try to auto-close new (not yet saved) files

  • Fixed: Option. "Show tooltips in tree" was ignored

  • Fixed: Format|Background Color. Was changing also the default color

  • Fixed: Paste Special with Ctrl, Shift or Alt, also available in the Scratchpad

  • Fixed: Last export format (from tree context panel -> Export...) is updated in .ini

  • Fixed: No way to expand dropdown controls using keyboard (Alt+Down shortcut)

  • Fixed: Main toolbar position was ignored when opening application

  • Fixed: Allow the use of Shift+TAB to move focus to tree in read-only folders.

  • Fixed: Shift+Tab in Scratchpad editor: If there is nothing to unindent, focus is set to Note Editor

  • Added: Pressing Ctrl+\ in the Scratchpad editor will switch focus to the Notes Editor

  • Fixed: When another app modified the knt file, it could be marked as Modified before asking 'Reload the file from disk?'

  • Fixed: hyperlinks without explicit protocol and with @ character were always interpreted as emails (mailto:...)

  • Fixed: Alarms. Adjusted calendar control to required size based on locale

  • Fixed: Exception in some systems with non-Gregorian calendar (ECommonCalendarError)

  • NEW: It is possible to copy and paste selected images and text together from web browser

  • Fixed: When pasting from browsers other than Firefox (such as Edge or Chrome), some formatting styles were ignored.

  • Added caption to image pasted from web page, if available

  • Fixed: Adjustments in "Paste external as Plain Text" / Plain text / Normal

  • Exporting to plain text with "Show hidden marks and IDs": GID value is shown first and then the ID

  • Added new RTF export option (Save images in default WordPad format) [RTFImgsWordPad=False]

  • Improvements and fixes to color selection buttons

  • Change in behavior of ESC in the Scratch window

  • Added new .INI option, to facilitate reading Hints through the status bar (Accessibility)

  • Important rework and refactorization (See News in Help file)

  • You can toggle between RTF and Plain text only in selected note (node)

  • 'Plain text only' in the folder: used as default format for new empty notes.

  • New: Creation/Last modification date in notes

  • Added editor Information panel

  • New: Tools | Deduce [missing] date information

  • New: Tools | Remove date prefixes from node names

  • Replaced TTreeNT with Virtual-TreeView

  • Tree | Outline Numbering... Improvements. Completely reviewed

  • Tree: Most actions can be applied on all selected nodes and optionally recursively on child nodes: Node color, node Font face, Custom icon, Bold attribute, Checked state, reset to default values, Move nodes (up, down, left or right), delete nodes

  • Improved Copy / Paste and Drag and Drop operations

  • "Mirror Nodes" becomes "Linked nodes"

  • Added new Tree Filtering

  • Two optional columns added to the tree panel: 'Flagged' and 'Date' (Note creation date)

  • Added entry in tree panel menu, and toolbar button, to filter out unflagged nodes

  • Filtering results. Use of 'Show children'

  • After 'Filter folder[s]', it is possible to toggle whether or not to activate the filter

  • Find All. Added new criteria: creation date / last modification date (From / Until)

  • New search option, Use path of nodes

  • Find All: Clicking in a search result will iterate the different words of the match

  • Syntax for additional/advanced search: Considering last modification date of notes, Words in the same paragraph or sentence, Emphasized words, or also inside a same paragraph

  • Find All: Revised the way 'All the words' search type works

See details in Changes in 2.0.0 .10.txt
(Help file (F1) has also been updated)

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