Writing and editing Makefiles manually can be a time-consuming and repetitive task. The aim of this project is to create a program which when given a relevant source code can itself generate a makefile, with sufficient power for user to select compilers, flags, etc.
To generate Makefile for any source code directory
This project is currently being built with CMakeLists, once it reaches a specific level of operational-ity, a makefile can be generated with the help of this program itself, and in a sense the whole project can be "bootstrapped".
For the purpose of this project, a makefile can be divided into three separate parts -
CC=g++ CFLAGS= -c -Wall
Object-code generation
main.o: main.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp factorial.o: factorial.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) factorial.cpp hello.o: hello.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hello.cpp
Executable generation
prog: main.o factorial.o hello.o $(CC) main.o factorial.o hello.o -o prog
The original project is build using CMake, for this a CMakeLists.txt file is stored at /MakefileGenerator (/MakefileGenerator/CMakeLists.txt).
In order to build, ensure that the CMake utility is already installed (CMake 3.24 or higher is required).
- Change current directory to /MakefileGenerator and
- then call cmake /MakefileGenerator/CMakeLists.txt
For example:
$ cd /MakefileGenerator
$ cmake /MakefileGenerator/CMakeLists.txt
Once the building process is done, makefile for other projects can be generated by calling the executable(of MakefileGenerator)
It relies on several command line arguments to get addition information
Command Function Mandatory? -ccset For setting compiler No -S For setting source code directory for which makefile is to be generated Yes -f1 For setting compile flag number 1 No -f2 For setting compile flag number 2 No -exec_name For setting the name for the executable to be produced No -block_comment To set option of enabling or disabling block identifying comment in makefile (By default it is disabled) No
$ ./MakefileGenerator -S /home/Programs.... -ccset gcc -f1 Wall -f2 pipe -exec_name program