Adult Income Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Adult Income Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over 50K a year.
- I started with exploring the dataset by performing statistical analysis.
- After performing statistical analysis, I found the null values and filled the null values using the respective column's mode values.
- After filling the null values, I performed data visualization to understand the relation between the dependent variable and outcome variable.
- After performing data visualization, I pre-processed the dataset where I converted all the categorical values to numerical values.
- Once the dataset was pre-processed, I split the 70% of data into the training set and 30% of data into testing set.
- A Logistic Regression model was trainied using the training data and evaluated using the testing data.
- To reduce the curse of dimenstionality, using Principle Component Analysis method I created another train and test set with lesser columns or features.
- With the above PCA train and test set, a Logistic Regression and Decision Tree model was trained and evaluated.
Both, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree model performed well on the test set and got an accuracy of 82%.
Website Phishing Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Website Phishing Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a website is a phishing one.
Heart Disease Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Heart Disease Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a person has got heart disease.
Medical Charges Predictions Jupyter Notebook Link
Medical Charges Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine the medical charges.
Mushroom Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Mushroom Classification Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a mushroom is an edible one.
Bank Marketing Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Bank Marketing Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a client will subscribe (yes/no) a term deposit.
Microorganism Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Microorganism Classification Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine the class of given microorganism on the basis of their morphological features.
Breast Cancer Classification Jupyter Notebook Link
Breast Cancer Classification Dataset Link
Prediction task is to determine whether a mushroom .