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🎉 Release v0.2.0

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@hexf00 hexf00 released this 06 Jul 08:50
· 1389 commits to dev since this release

🎊 [email protected]

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🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

🆕 What's new


The MVP version of Univer Doc is here!
We are thrilled to announce the release of the MVP version of Univer Doc. Now, you can explore and utilize the document editing features with Univer. We welcome community members to test it out and share their feedback to help us refine and enhance the platform.

🎉 Highlights

In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:


  • Added support for document headers and footers #2589
  • Introduced a new toolbar configuration option in UniverUIPlugin #2634
  • Refined the structure for command export #2642
  • Improved the functionality of copying and pasting #2631
  • Introduced new formulas: 4 time functions (e.g., NOW, TIME), 9 statistical - functions (e.g., MINIFS, AVERAGEIF), and 8 mathematical functions (e.g., SIN, COS) #2598, #2561, #2620
  • Implemented restrictions on workbook names for Excel compatibility #2660
  • Added a setEditable method to the Facade API to set the workbook to read-only #2604
  • Provided support to disable the context menu for the sheets bar #2654


Our latest update introduces a docs thread comment feature, allowing you to comment on specific sections of a document.

  1. Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui @univerjs/thread-comment @univerjs/thread-comment-ui
  1. Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui/lib/index.css';

import { UniverThreadCommentPlugin } from '@univerjs/thread-comment';
import { UniverThreadCommentUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui';
import { UniverDocsThreadCommentUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui';
  1. Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import DocsThreadCommentUIEnUS from '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui/locale/en-US';

const univer = new Univer({
  theme: defaultTheme,
  locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
  locales: {
    [LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+     DocsThreadCommentUIEnUS
  1. Register the plugin:


Our latest update introduces a docs hyper link feature, allowing you to link to specific sections of a document.

  1. Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/docs-hyper-link @univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui
  1. Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui/lib/index.css';

import { UniverDocsHyperLinkPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link';
import { UniverDocsHyperLinkUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui';
  1. Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverDocsHyperLinkUIEnUS from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui/locale/en-US';

const univer = new Univer({
  theme: defaultTheme,
  locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
  locales: {
    [LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+     UniverDocsHyperLinkUIEnUS
  1. Register the plugin:

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the problem with the auto-fill feature #2638
  • Addressed the display issue when renaming workbooks in certain versions of React #2662
  • Corrected the positioning of formula displays #2667
  • Enhanced the copying functionality #2678
  • Improved various aspects of the formula system #2649 #2646 #2650 #2666
  • Fixed issues related to image handling #2639

💔 Breaking Changes

  • AddDataValidationCommand will be remove in the feature #2637

From v0.2.0, we have changed the package name of the conditional formatting plugin, developers need to modify the import path:

- import { SheetsConditionalFormattingPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting'

+ import { UniverSheetsConditionalFormattingPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting'

🎢 Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2024-07-06)

Bug Fixes

  • add correct RU translation in Sort and Hyperlink plugins (#2685) (9616c44)
  • docs-ui: disable link & comment on header footer (#2700) (f93a229)
  • docs: backspace in header (#2703) (000e88d)
  • drawing issues (#2639) (7d35091)
  • drawing: regster by sheet transform (#2672) (59a117a)
  • editor: fix the wrong position of validate messages on initialization when the sidebar is open (#2676) (749dd74)
  • facade: fix implementation of getWrap and remove redundant getWraps method (#2675) (6e2ef32)
  • formula: ref a1:a gets name error (#2666) (692b30c)
  • formula: row range calculation error (#2649) (3dcedc2)
  • formula: ts error in averageif (#2656) (6179726)
  • optimize the the menu and prefer apply-type of auto-fill (#2638) (b1e1ef4)
  • shees-ui: add missing menu configs (#2635) (31c7dbf)
  • sheet: dependency error (#2650) (4ec356d)
  • sheet: drawing load (#2692) (2c5011e), closes #2683 #2685
  • sheet: drawing switch tab position error (#2686) (bd5293c)
  • sheet: freeze invalid (#2658) (03982b7)
  • sheet: line default error (#2641) (01c1b32)
  • sheet: pasting plain text with newline and tab characters (#2678) (de987cc)
  • sheets-ui: ensure context menu does not open on sheets tab when contextMenu is set to false (#2654) (a5ecccc)
  • sheets-ui: fix focusout issue with rename input box in lower version of React (#2662) (6f74450)
  • sheets-ui: fix formula editor's position issue in lower version of React (#2667) (e5020d7)
  • slide: remove duplicated calls to render.engine.setContainer (#2688) (76e93f3)
