Releases: dream-num/univer
🎉 Release v0.2.8
🎊 Univer@v0.2.8
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
📊 Univer Sheet
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Add data validation facade API #3050
- support dropdown filter for data validation #3057
- add 28 financial formula functions #2868
- add 28 engineering formula functions #2893
- 233 formula functions are supported, with a goal of 500+
🐞 Bug Fixes
- ensure state is correctly updated after modifying the hover image #3069
- fix data validation paste #3057
- permission protection focus judgment optimization #3081
- fix error prompt that may occur when setting styles in some cases #3059
- fix abnormal display of data validation dropdown date, multi-language display #3055 #3018
💔 Breaking Changes
- Pivot table plugin registration configuration adjustment
univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsPivotTablePlugin, {
notExecuteFormula: true,
- isServer: true,
+ registerInOneThread: true,
📝 Univer Doc
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Support docx file import
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs-pro/exchange-client @univerjs-pro/docs-exchange-client
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs-pro/exchange-client/lib/index.css'
import { UniverExchangeClientPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/exchange-client'
import { UniverDocsExchangeClientPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/docs-exchange-client'
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverExchangeClientEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/exchange-client/locale/en-US'
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ UniverExchangeClientEnUS,
- Register the plugin:
🌐 Univer Server
- Support docx file import
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-08-16)
Bug Fixes
- add inputFormula$ (#3013) (c5ce261)
- doc drawing load error on uni mode (#3033) (bd32e08)
- docs-drawing-ui: doc drawing load error on uni mode (#3034) (ba4ce37)
- docs: delete list between tables (#3041) (97842a0)
- docs: delete paragraph break in table cell (#3077) (dc566fd)
- doc: should not resize all internal editors except zen mode (#3005) (0cf5e2d)
- docs: insert footer (#3058) (14469e5)
- docs: line space (#3082) (f5dcea0)
- editor: slide editor should use a different id from sheet cell editor (#3008) (b95d337)
- export resetCahce from sheet-skeleton (#3087) (c400ab1)
- filtered & hidden rows should not be calculated in statusbar (#3026) (803ced4)
- fix permission initialization in multi-unit situation (#3019) (fd73710)
- fix sheet editor life (fc08d5f)
- formula: async formula (#3025) (aff2b29)
- lint (#3088) (397e446)
- permission: fix permission bugs 0815 (#3081) (870cd22)
- sheet: add from & to range in moverange & clone the cellvalue (#3044) (bd91317)
- sheet: pivot data spill (#3039) (bf697b6)
- sheets-data-validation: date data validation format not work & optimize popup-service (#3018) (92dedd6)
- sheets-data-validation: date dropdown display error on invalid value (#3055) (2e89983)
- sheets-drawing-ui: export SheetsHyperLinkCopyPasteController for usage of pro (#3052) (dbf2101)
- sheets-drawing: drawing on uni mode (#3009) (9644695)
- sheets-drawing: sheet-drawing error depend on renderManagerService (#3030) (efc1702)
- sheets-ui: watch-range error on move-range (#3060) (7430e84)
- slide canvasview to slide render controller (#3032) (dbdd85c)
- slide&sheet image component-name duplicated (#3012) (afe89d4)
- slide: init cursor stage change listener really late (759ba75)
- some ui problems in uni-mode (#3029) (19eb1dc)
- spread operator with Math.min max cause Maximum call stack size … (#3059) (1e52972)
- ui: move event bubbling prevention from "More" menu to button (#3031) (e07e0c8)
- ui: optimize Menu component rendering and filtering logic (#3028) (9a19335)
- uni drawing update (#3016) (607e400)
- update drawing panel state at end of changing (#3069) (3a5635f)
- worker not disposed ([#...
🎉 Release v0.2.7
🎊 Univer@v0.2.7
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- pivot table (beta) and restoration from history in Univer Sheet
- custom style lists, to-do lists, and table insertion in Univer Doc
- commenting in both documents and spreadsheets
- new server APIs for querying, document deletion, and USIP, and expands formula support to 176 with a goal of over 500 formulas.
Univer Sheet Supports Pivot Table(beta)
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs-pro/pivot-engine @univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot @univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui/lib/index.css';
import { UniverSheetsPivotTablePlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot'
import { UniverSheetsPivotTableUIPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui'
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverSheetsPivotEnUs from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot/locale/en-US';
+ import UniverSheetsPivotUiEnUs from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ UniverSheetsPivotEnUs,
+ UniverSheetsPivotUiEnUs
- Register the plugin:
// tip: Please note that the configs in the beta version are not stable, and be mindful of future updates.
univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsPivotTablePlugin, {
notExecuteFormula: true,
isServer: true,
Univer Sheet supports restoration from history.
To use this feature, please refer to the documentation and install version 0.2.7
of the Univer server first.
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs-pro/edit-history-viewer @univerjs-pro/edit-history-loader
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs-pro/edit-history-viewer/lib/index.css'
import { UniverEditHistoryLoaderPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/edit-history-loader'
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import EditHistoryViewerEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/edit-history-viewer/locale/en-US'
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ EditHistoryViewerEnUS
- Register the plugin:
// need equal to the univer container id, if not set, default is univer-container
const configService = univer.__getInjector().get(IConfigService);
configService.setConfig('UNIVER_CONTAINER_ID', `univer`)
Univer Sheet supports comments
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/thread-comment-ui @univerjs/sheets-thread-comment
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui/lib/index.css'
import { UniverSheetsThreadCommentPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-thread-comment'
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverThreadCommentUiEnUs from '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui/locale/en-US';
+ import UniverSheetsThreadCommentEnUs from '@univerjs/sheets-thread-comment/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ UniverThreadCommentUiEnUs
+ UniverSheetsThreadCommentEnUs
- Register the plugin:
Univer Doc supports comments
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/thread-comment-ui @univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui/lib/index.css'
import { UniverDocsThreadCommentUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui'
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverThreadCommentUiEnUs from '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ UniverThreadCommentUiEnUs
- Register the plugin:
Univer Doc supports custom styles for ordered and unordered lists, to-do lists, table insertion with nested content, and paragraph panel settings.
Univer Server adds document query API, document deletion API, and USIP API.
Formula expansion: Now supports 176 formulas with a target to support over 500 formulas.
For more information, please visit the official website documentation.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- fix DataValidation config ui styles #2991
- fix formula
#2920 - fix formula sheet name uppercase bug #2908
- fix data-validation ref-range error init form snapshot & support hyperlink target #2975
- fix can not add custom formula #2915
🎢 Special Thanks
Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-08-10)
Bug Fixes
- add range type when create selection (#2965) (ff6a667)
- add rect ranges to share cursor (#2942) (1d5d42f)
- add table create row col limit to 20 (#2967) (04accd2)
- adjust toolbar item position in uni-mode (#2987) (285cdf5)
- can not edit in footer (#2956) (28c951b)
- can not insert table in link (#2960) (7448724)
- can not select text when the last page ends with table (#2954) (d5d3b39)
- change element to save editing state & update doc sk after resize (#2950) (35b0bac)
- col visible (#2981) (184ffdd)
- conditional-formatting: can not add custom formula (#2915) (e9435ee)
- conditional-formatting: fixed a performance issue during the initialization phase of the conditional format (#2919) (8ddc701)
- context menu disable status (#2943) (510c178)
- context menu should not clear selections (#2949) (b5fcb55)
- core: fix editor set focus element by mistake (9b0ba21)
- core: fix resource loader not work for created units (#2996) (9df348d)
- core: fix resource manager get unrelated data (#2989) (b29cf76)
- data-validation ref-range error init form snapshot & support hyperlink target ([#2975](#2...
🎉 Release v0.2.6
🎊 Univer@v0.2.6
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Added 4 text formulas, 1 math formulas, and 10 find reference formulas. (169/508 formulas supported) #2842
- Support for custom number formats #2888
now supports screenshots, with a right-click menu option to copy as an image.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- When destroying a Univer instance, leftover DOM from custom Vue3 components will be cleaned up #2892
- Fix error occurring after input cancellation #2907
💔 Breaking Changes
- Adjustments to the import and export plugin
- Install the following packages:
-pnpm add @univerjs-pro/sheets-exchange-client
+pnpm add @univerjs-pro/exchange-client @univerjs-pro/sheets-exchange-client
- Import the plugins:
-import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-exchange-client/lib/index.css';
+import '@univerjs-pro/exchange-client/lib/index.css';
- Add locale resources:
-import SheetsExchangeClientEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-exchange-client/locale/en-US';
+import ExchangeClientEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/exchange-client/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
- SheetsExchangeClientEnUS
+ ExchangeClientEnUS
- Plugin developers should be aware that the Injector parameter in onStarting will be deprecated in upcoming versions. Please transition to using class properties promptly #2903
export class UniverXXXPlugin extends Plugin {
static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_DOC;
static override pluginName = PLUGIN_NAME;
private _config: unknown,
@Inject(Injector) protected override _injector: Injector
) {
- override onStarting(injector: Injector): void {
+ override onStarting(): void {
- injector.add(dep);
+ this._injector.add(dep);
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-08-02)
Bug Fixes
- doc: list update (#2862) (b045042)
- docs-drawing: formula ts error & docs-drawing load error (#2879) (1182bee)
- drawing: update (#2871) (1880552)
- formula: fix formula parameter assignment (#2905) (8fb9655)
- ref selection should call updateSelection after skelenton change (#2839) (d37f669)
- sheet: fix expand range performance (#2882) (0de3488)
- sheet: parse snapshot string (#2897) (f4fe38d)
- ui: ensure container DOM is removed when destroying Vue 3 components (#2892) (5c38528)
- unitId type error in handle editor invisible (#2907) (5e09017)
- use new selectionData not workbook._worksheetSelections (#2909) (b597194)
- deprecated float-dom.props (#2864) (43220a1)
- docs-ui: debounce doc-hover event (#2865) (ce949fd)
- docs-ui: doc daily optimization (#2869) (f0b6410)
- docs: doc-rename (#2891) (307d1de)
- formula: add some Text/Math/Lookup formulas (#2842) (778e371)
- numfmt: support custom format (#2888) (95314eb)
- sheet-data-valiation: using cell-raw on data-validation (#2878) (935bdba)
- slides: support partial slides function (#2890) (3a90918)
Performance Improvements
🎉 Release v0.2.5
🎊 Univer@v0.2.5
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Univer Doc supports context menus and zooming #2830
- Added 30+ math formulas, 7 date formulas, and 3 information formulas #2761 #2798
- Optimized table scrolling #2779
- Enhanced formula input experience #2772
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Improved URL recognition #2845
💔 Breaking Changes
- The
related imports fromredi
have been moved to@univerjs/core
import type { Dependency } from '@wendellhu/redi';
import { Inject, Injector } from '@wendellhu/redi';
import type { Dependency } from '@univerjs/core';
import { Inject, Injector } from '@univerjs/core';
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-07-26)
Bug Fixes
- conditional-formatting: close panel when switch subunit (#2828) (6e772bc)
- doc-resize causing formula error (#2857) (8d037a2)
- editor: paste and selection error (#2843) (e6869e4)
- formula: array formula clear old value (#2840) (efb5ecd)
- formula: feature calculation update (#2838) (f66e5a7)
- get SheetScrollManagerService from renderManagerSrv (#2833) (ce4e7c4)
- move selection (#2832) (b4205ff)
- ref selection (#2770) (e885f76)
- sheet: blur table name triggers slide (#2772) (c328662)
- sheets-drawing-ui: load float-dom from snapshot & support presist custom data with float dom drawing object (#2841) (ca38723)
- sheets-ui: formula editor can't exit (#2858) (eb3c0dd)
- sheet: type import (#2848) (ae0b012)
- core: optimize url validator & popup on selection moving (#2845) (c6ab2a7)
- data-validation: code optimize for data-validation (#2815) (ab242a3)
- docs-thread-comment-ui: doc datasource (#2851) (b3ae99a)
- docs-ui: support docs zoom bar & context menu (#2830) (d840cb5)
- docs: support doc-hover-service (#2824) (28dbb78)
- formula: add some information and date function (#2798) (6b3413e)
- formula: add some math function (#2761) (344f4dd)
- formula: get dirty data (#2837) (b3ebd79)
🎉 Release v0.2.4
🎊 Univer@v0.2.4
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Univer Doc supports headers and footers, as well as image insertion.
Allows you to insert images in Univer Doc.
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/docs-drawing-ui
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/docs-drawing-ui/lib/index.css';
import { UniverDocsDrawingUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-drawing-ui';
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import DocsDrawingUiEnUs from '@univerjs/docs-drawing-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ DocsDrawingUiEnUs
- Register the plugin:
- Added some date-related formulas #2729
- Enhanced the ability to configure protection range pop-up #2603
🐞 Bug Fixes
fix, copy-paste enhancement #2773
💔 Breaking Changes
- Adjustments made to the unit property data structure in
of Univer Doc #2760
🎢 Special Thanks
Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-07-19)
Bug Fixes
- conditional-formatting: adjust the frequency of calculations (#2804) (1b65361)
- core: merge range util error (#2776) (7a41b9c)
- design: add class name as poperty of select list (#2788) (f78b538)
- doc: default line pitch (#2805) (ae466b2)
- fix invalid color str in paste (#2783) (d0ac904)
- formula: formula carries numfmt of ref cell (#2756) (30b3b24)
- formula: great than equal error (#2758) (65e471d)
- min cursor height and move cursor (#2789) (beb9146)
- permission: optimize formula bar permission & resize header permission (#2603) (de05ff8)
- permission: when user exists should not set again (#2799) (99a56dc)
- selection: selection error after insert col (#2786) (a02b719)
- sheet: copy&paste clip cell (#2773) (af845a2)
- sheet: range selector and editor (#2748) (15b1d8e)
- sheets-data-validation: data-validation perf issues (#2810) (3a4de22)
- sheets-drawing-ui: float-dom deps error (#2791) (0a6d4d1)
- sheets-hyper-link: re-render perf issue (#2812) (706aa04)
- sheets-ui: bugfix for data-validation/comments (#2734) (75bb1f6)
- ui: fix focus editor position with padding (#2819) (57dd020)
- add method to get message portal container (#2775) (603d62e)
- docs-mention-ui: support docs-mention (#2785) (57232a5)
- docs-mention: add resource-controller (#2803) (37a1d58)
- docs: image in header and footer (#2747) (0fe6867)
- formula: add some date function (#2729) (26af2cc)
- permission: initial permission is modified to false for the set… (#2768) (c2f3056)
- sheet: init history permission point in sheet (#2790) (dc04d7a)
- uni: init uni mode (#2793) (8228c5a)
🎉 Release v0.2.3
🎊 Univer@v0.2.3
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Support for formula calculation pause #2661
- Formula: added 6 more functions #2701
- Added Traditional Chinese(
) and Vietnamese languages (vi-VN
) #2694
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed document white screen bug #2704
- Fixed internationalization display error in the UMD version date picker #2719
- React 16 compatibility improvements #2739 #2755
🎢 Special Thanks
Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-07-12)
Bug Fixes
- backspace in header and footer (#2704) (749b407)
- docs-hyper-link: hyper link resource (#2732) (1b17ec5)
- docs: fix blank screen (#2720) (fbed267)
- failed to get scene in scroll render controller (#2737) (987c5d2)
- fix replace content params options (c2bbaaf)
- formula: len counts displayed value (#2702) (ce887b0)
- load resource (#2752) (9606194)
- sheet: keep text formatting when setting range value (#2711) (a1a3dbc)
- sheets-hyper-link-ui: popup observable error on react16 (#2755) (f0edc5b)
- tons of memory leak (#2754) (3f3dcff)
- ui: fix issue where context menu item cannot be selected in React 16 (#2739) (d971be9)
- umd: fix issue with datepicker localization not working in UMD bundle (#2719) (962e057)
- formula: add more functions (#2701) (8598e02)
- formula: enable cancellation of ongoing formula calculations (#2661) (5d80993)
- i18n: add
language (#2694) (2f99d19) - network: add merge interceptor (#2749) (6a0c1b7)
- optimization of doc image (#2432) (3f98681)
- permission: support refresh (#2740) (710e26a)
- sheets-data-validation: support show-time when set validation at
(#2723) (737660e) - sidebar-service supports scroll-event subscription (#2724) (2da550d)
- ui: change floating position (#2698) (f2fbd3b)
🔥 Release v0.2.2
🔥 Release v0.2.1
🎉 Release v0.2.0
🎊 Univer@v0.2.0
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🆕 What's new
The MVP version of Univer Doc is here!
We are thrilled to announce the release of the MVP version of Univer Doc. Now, you can explore and utilize the document editing features with Univer. We welcome community members to test it out and share their feedback to help us refine and enhance the platform.
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
- Added support for document headers and footers #2589
- Introduced a new
configuration option in UniverUIPlugin #2634 - Refined the structure for command export #2642
- Improved the functionality of copying and pasting #2631
- Introduced new formulas: 4 time functions (e.g.,
), 9 statistical - functions (e.g.,MINIFS
), and 8 mathematical functions (e.g.,SIN
) #2598, #2561, #2620 - Implemented restrictions on workbook names for Excel compatibility #2660
- Added a
method to the Facade API to set the workbook to read-only #2604 - Provided support to disable the context menu for the sheets bar #2654
Our latest update introduces a docs thread comment feature, allowing you to comment on specific sections of a document.
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui @univerjs/thread-comment @univerjs/thread-comment-ui
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui/lib/index.css';
import { UniverThreadCommentPlugin } from '@univerjs/thread-comment';
import { UniverThreadCommentUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/thread-comment-ui';
import { UniverDocsThreadCommentUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui';
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import DocsThreadCommentUIEnUS from '@univerjs/docs-thread-comment-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ DocsThreadCommentUIEnUS
- Register the plugin:
Our latest update introduces a docs hyper link feature, allowing you to link to specific sections of a document.
- Install the following packages:
pnpm add @univerjs/docs-hyper-link @univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui
- Import the plugins:
import '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui/lib/index.css';
import { UniverDocsHyperLinkPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link';
import { UniverDocsHyperLinkUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui';
- Add locale resources:
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core'
+ import UniverDocsHyperLinkUIEnUS from '@univerjs/docs-hyper-link-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
+ UniverDocsHyperLinkUIEnUS
- Register the plugin:
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Resolved the problem with the auto-fill feature #2638
- Addressed the display issue when renaming workbooks in certain versions of React #2662
- Corrected the positioning of formula displays #2667
- Enhanced the copying functionality #2678
- Improved various aspects of the formula system #2649 #2646 #2650 #2666
- Fixed issues related to image handling #2639
💔 Breaking Changes
will be remove in the feature #2637
From v0.2.0, we have changed the package name of the conditional formatting plugin, developers need to modify the import path:
- import { SheetsConditionalFormattingPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting'
+ import { UniverSheetsConditionalFormattingPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-conditional-formatting'
🎢 Special Thanks
Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-07-06)
Bug Fixes
- add correct RU translation in Sort and Hyperlink plugins (#2685) (9616c44)
- docs-ui: disable link & comment on header footer (#2700) (f93a229)
- docs: backspace in header (#2703) (000e88d)
- drawing issues (#2639) (7d35091)
- drawing: regster by sheet transform (#2672) (59a117a)
- editor: fix the wrong position of validate messages on initialization when the sidebar is open (#2676) (749dd74)
- facade: fix implementation of
and remove redundantgetWraps
method (#2675) (6e2ef32) - formula: ref a1:a gets name error (#2666) (692b30c)
- formula: row range calculation error (#2649) (3dcedc2)
- formula: ts error in averageif (#2656) (6179726)
- optimize the the menu and prefer apply-type of auto-fill (#2638) (b1e1ef4)
- shees-ui: add missing menu configs (#2635) (31c7dbf)
- sheet: dependency error (#2650) (4ec356d)
- sheet: drawing load (#2692) (2c5011e), closes #2683 #2685
- sheet: drawing switch tab position error (#2686) (bd5293c)
- sheet: freeze invalid (#2658) (03982b7)
- sheet: line default error (#2641) (01c1b32)
- sheet: pasting plain text with newline and tab characters (#2678) (de987cc)
- sheets-ui: ensure context menu does not open on sheets tab when
is set to false (#2654) (a5ecccc) - sheets-ui: fix focusout issue with rename input box in lower version of React (#2662) (6f74450)
- sheets-ui: fix formula editor's position issue in lower version of React (#2667) ([e5...
🎉 Release v0.1.17
🎊 Univer@v0.1.17
🚧 Important Note
This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.
🚀 Getting Started
If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation.
Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!
🆕 What's new
🎉 Highlights
In this release, we are excited to introduce a new set of features and improvements to enhance your Univer experience. Here are the highlights:
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fix the issue where the format is lost when copying from Excel to univer #2612
- Fix bugs related to conditional formatting #2608 #2601 #2605
🎢 Special Thanks
Special thanks to the following contributors who have made this release possible:
📢 Join the Conversation
We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:
📝 Changelog
Full changelog (2024-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- conditional-formatting: disable clear cf (#2601) (cf60994)
- conditional-formatting: distinguish between settings and purges when padding down (#2605) (6dd8bbe)
- conditional-formatting: reopen panel and update panel (#2608) (b4460ca)
- fix some paste bugs (#2612) (cfd3227)
- formula: remove non-existent formula ids (#2531) (656c337)
- formula: subtotal count (#2452) (61de312)
- icon set dropdown style (#2602) (c6e23cd)
- move-range: add move range controller (#2609) (3950878)
- numfmt: numfmt not render after auto fill (#2617) (111bc9f)
- numfmt: reselect item and throw error (#2611) (9902edb)
- range-selector: placeholder flush (#2607) (2dc7ce0)
- sheet: duplicate sheet name copy (#2544) (50f8f4d)
- sheet: get unhidden sheets (#2616) (bcc4034)
- sheets-drawing: fix crash when editing text after inserting images and opening the sidebar (#2586) (5536b05)