I want a browser with a REPL that I can hack in Meta-Scheme. It has to be useful. It has to be hackable. Gurf for the win!
This is still in the hackety hack alpha, but soon to be very useful :). It’s currently for development use on an uptodate gerbil.
First off we need to install the following headers and libraries.
(def libs
"x11 glib-2.0 gdk-3.0 atk gcr-3 webkit2gtk-4.0 webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0 gio-2.0")
Then this should “just work”.
gxpkg install github.com/drewc/gurf
Binaries soon to come!
This opens a browser window.
;;;; Gerbil v0.16-243-g87c6279b on Gambit v4.9.3-1540-gee1795ec
(import :drewc/gurf/surf)
(surf "http://google.ca")
This is all Literate code using org-mode. Have a look at index.org for the, well, index to the organisation of the literate code.