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Merlyn Cousins edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 10 revisions

The Netlister is used after the schematic is designed. The netlister takes the *.sch file and creates a .net file. This file is what is fed into a simulator such as ngspice. This workflow emulates the text file to cpp (precompiler), to compiler, to raw assembly code then assembler and finally linker used in C,C++ etc programming. The lepton-netlister has many 'front' ends. That schematics and other files. In this case the front that is used is spice-sdb. So the command would look something like this.

  • lepton-netister -g spice-sdb -o doubler.sch

This is what a model looks like.

* D1N4148 diode model(internet)spice3
.model D1N4148 D (IS=0.1PA, RS=16 CJO=2PF TT=12N BV=100 IBV=0.1PA)

Please see full netlister doc for description and options.

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