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Measuring Performance
Siddhartha Kasivajhula edited this page Aug 1, 2023
3 revisions
See the Performance Loop for daily workflows related to measuring and iterating on performance optimization.
You can also generate a performance regression report (currently only on the compiler branch in #74) on any aspect of the language as follows:
- Check out the reference version of the code.
cd qi-sdk/profile/<benchmark_folder>
(where benchmark_folder could belocal
, depending on whether you're interested in local benchmarks (i.e. individual forms), nonlocal benchmarks (i.e. tasks exercising many parts of the language) or module load times). ./report.rkt -f json > /path/to/before.json
- Check out the version of the code that you'd like to measure relative to that reference.
./report.rkt -r /path/to/before.json
TODO: Add Makefile targets for this.
Here's a recipe from Ben that generates data and charts like this:
#lang racket
(require plot file/convertible math/statistics pict)
(define (write-pict-to-svg p f)
(with-output-to-file f
(write-bytes (convert p 'svg-bytes)))))
(define (not-o-any . args)
(not (for/or ([arg (in-list args)])
(define (for/and-over-not . args)
(for/and ([arg (in-list args)])
(not arg)))
(define (race-threads1 . args)
(define me (current-thread))
(define t1 (thread (thunk (thread-send me (apply not-o-any args)))))
(define t2 (thread (thunk (thread-send me (apply for/and-over-not args)))))
(begin0 (thread-receive)
(kill-thread t1)
(kill-thread t2)))
(define (race-threads2 . args)
(define me (current-thread))
(define t2 (thread (thunk (thread-send me (apply for/and-over-not args)))))
(define t1 (thread (thunk (thread-send me (apply not-o-any args)))))
(begin0 (thread-receive)
(kill-thread t1)
(kill-thread t2)))
(define (generate n freq)
(build-list n (λ (_i)
(define n (random))
(and (>= n freq) n))))
(define ns (list #e1e5 #e1e6 #e1e7))
(define freqs (list 0.0 0.3 0.7 1.0))
(define fs (list not-o-any for/and-over-not race-threads1 race-threads2))
(struct experiment [f n freq stats] #:transparent)
(struct stats [min mean max stddev] #:transparent)
(define experiments
(map (match-lambda [(list n freq f) (experiment f n freq #f)])
(cartesian-product ns freqs fs)))
(define n-trials 5)
(define/match (run-experiment _e)
[((experiment f n freq #f))
(define times
(for/list ([_i n-trials])
(define-values (_res _cpu real _garbage) (time-apply f (generate n freq)))
(experiment f n freq (make-stats times))])
(define (make-stats times)
(define μ (mean times))
(define σ (stddev/mean μ times))
(stats (apply min times) μ (apply max times) σ))
(define (experiments->renderers es skip x-min)
(define (x i) (+ 0.5 x-min (* i skip)))
(define label (object-name (experiment-f (first es))))
(define es-by-n (sort es < #:key experiment-n))
(define histogram
(for/list ([e (in-list es-by-n)])
(match-define (experiment _ n _ (stats _ mean _ _ )) e)
(vector (format "n = ~a" n) mean))
#:skip skip #:x-min x-min #:label (~a label) #:color (add1 x-min)))
(define annotations
(for/list ([(e i) (in-indexed (in-list es-by-n))])
(match-define (stats _ mean _ stddev) (experiment-stats e))
(vector (x i) mean stddev)))
(for/list ([(e i) (in-indexed (in-list es-by-n))])
(match-define (stats min _ max _) (experiment-stats e))
(list (point-label (vector (x i) min) "min")
(point-label (vector (x i) max) "max")))))
(list histogram annotations))
(module+ main
(random-seed 0)
(displayln "running experiments")
(define results (time (map run-experiment experiments)))
(displayln "plotting")
(define results-by-freq (group-by experiment-freq results))
(define results-by-freq-by-f (map (curry group-by experiment-f) results-by-freq))
(define results-by-freq-by-f-sorted-by-freq
(sort results-by-freq-by-f < #:key (compose1 experiment-freq caar)))
(define skip (length fs))
(define p
(apply vc-append
(for/list ([group (in-list results-by-freq-by-f-sorted-by-freq)])
(define freq (experiment-freq (caar group)))
(parameterize ([plot-y-transform (axis-transform-bound log-transform 0.01 +inf.0)]
[plot-y-ticks (log-ticks)])
(for/list ([(exps i) (in-indexed group)])
(experiments->renderers exps skip i))
#:title (format "Frequency: ~a" freq)
#:width (* 4 (plot-width))
#:y-min 0.001
#:x-label "n"
#:y-label "t")))))
(show-pict p)
(write-pict-to-svg p "bench.svg"))
TODO: Incorporate this into the SDK's generic benchmarking facilities at some point.
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