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dscbot edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 4 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Path Key String The path to the INI settings file to set the entry in.
Section Key String The section to add or set the entry in.
Key Key String The name of the key to add or set in the section.
Type Write String Specifies the value type that contains the value to set the entry to. Defaults to 'Text'. Text, Secret
Text Write String The text to set the entry value to. Only used when Type is set to 'Text'.
Secret Write PSCredential The secret text to set the entry value to. Only used when Type is set to 'Secret'.


The resource is used to add, set or clear entries in Windows INI settings files.


Example 1

Set the Level entry in the [Logging] section to Information in the file c:\myapp\myapp.ini.

Configuration IniSettingsFile_SetPlainTextEntry_Config
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName FileContentDsc

    Node localhost
        IniSettingsFile SetLogging
            Path    = 'c:\myapp\myapp.ini'
            Section = 'Logging'
            Key     = 'Level'
            Text    = 'Information'

Example 2

Set the ConnectionString entry in the [Database] section to the password provided in the $Secret credential object in the file c:\myapp\myapp.ini.

Configuration IniSettingsFile_SetSecretTextEntry_Config

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName FileContentDsc

    Node localhost
        IniSettingsFile SetConnectionString
            Path    = 'c:\myapp\myapp.ini'
            Section = 'Database'
            Key     = 'ConnectionString'
            Type    = 'Secret'
            Secret  = $Secret
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