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dscbot edited this page Mar 16, 2024 · 5 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DriveLetter Key String Specifies the drive letter of the volume to wait for.
RetryIntervalSec Write UInt32 Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the volume to become available.
RetryCount Write UInt32 The number of times to loop the retry interval while waiting for the volume.


The resource is used to wait for a drive to be mounted and become available.


Example 1

This configuration will mount a VHD file and wait for it to become available.

configuration WaitForVolume_VHD
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName StorageDsc

    MountImage MountVHD
        ImagePath   = 'd:\Data\Disk1.vhd'
        DriveLetter = 'V'

    WaitForVolume WaitForVHD
        DriveLetter      = 'V'
        RetryIntervalSec = 5
        RetryCount       = 10

Example 2

This configuration will mount an ISO file as drive S:.

configuration WaitForVolume_ISO
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName StorageDsc

    MountImage ISO
        ImagePath   = 'c:\Sources\SQL.iso'
        DriveLetter = 'S'

    WaitForVolume WaitForISO
        DriveLetter      = 'S'
        RetryIntervalSec = 5
        RetryCount       = 10