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📑 dse-as oXygen Framework

This repository contains an oXygen XML Editor framework to customize the editing environment of the Digital Scholarly Edition Annermarie Schwarzenbach (dse-as).


🔬Experimental, do not use in production!




This is the preferred installation method for editors:

  1. Open Options > Preferences > Add-ons on Windows or Oxygen XML Editor > Preferences > Add-ons (on other platforms) from the menu.
  2. Add a new add-on by entering this URL:
  3. "Enable automatic updates checking" should be activated. This will automatically prompt you to update the framework when an update was deployed.
  4. Confirm with OK.
  5. Open Help > Install new add-ons... from the menu. Select the dse-as URL from the dropdown menu ("Show add-ons from").
  6. The latest version of the add-on should be displayed. Select it, choose Next and confirm all upcoming prompts (including possible certificate warnings).
  7. Restart the application. Note: The framework/add-on should keep itself up to date. Updates will be offered during the start of oXygen.
  8. Open Options > Preferences > Document Type Associations on Windows or Oxygen XML Editor > Preferences > Document Type Associations (on other platforms) from the menu and make sure the framework is activated.
  9. Add trusted hosts.

Project file and Git

This is the preferred method for developers:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open project file (dseas-framework.xpr) with Oxygen XML Editor.
  3. Go to Options > Preferences > Document Type Association > Locations and select Project Options at the bottom of the page.
  4. In the Additional frameworks directories list, add a new entry: ${pd}.
  5. Go back to Document Type Association and select the framework.
  6. Add trusted hosts.

👉 To update, do git pull.

See also the official documentation.

Trusted Hosts

Go to Options > Preferences > Network Connection Settings > Trusted Hosts and add an entry for

  • and

Alternatively, confirm and remember warnings regarding these hosts.


This framework is made possible thanks to the inspirations from this projects:


Third party licenses

This framework contains software and icons from third parties:

  • ediarum.jar by Berlin-Brandenburg Academey of Sciences and Humanities: GNU Lesser General Public License, see LGPL.txt
  • Icons from HisTEI by Mike Olson: MIT, see LICENSE