The app covers following topics:
- Kotlin
- Сoroutine management using jobs
- Cancelling active jobs
- Coroutine scoping
Navigation Components:
- Bottom Navigation View with Fragments
- Using multiple Navigation Graphs
Dagger 2
- Custom Scopes
- Fragment Injection
- Activity Injection
- Viewmodel Injection
MVI architecture
Room Persistence
- SQLite with Room Persistence library
- Custom queries, inserts, deletes, updates
- Foreign Key relationships
- Multiple database tables
- Database caching (Saving data from network into local cache)
Retrofit 2
- Handling any type of response from server (success, error, none, etc...)
- Returning LiveData from Retrofit calls (Retrofit Call Adapter)
- Sharing a ViewModel between several Fragments
- Generic BaseViewModel
- Interacting with the server through a webview (Javascript)
- Programmatically implemented SearchView
- Execute search queries to Network and DB Cache
- Selecting images from local storage
- Cropping images to a specific aspect ratio
- Uploading a cropped image to server
Network Request Management
- Cancelling pending network requests with Kotlin Coroutines
- Paginating objects returned from server and database cache
Material Design
- Bottom Navigation View with Fragments
- Customizing Bottom Navigation Icon behavior
- Handling Different Screen Sizes
- Material Dialogs
- Fragment transition animations
Flows and Channels