TODO: Here goes the project name. Choose an emoji/emoji combination for it, it's fun!
TODO: Here goes the description of our certainly wonderful Beneficiary.
TODO: In the folder assets
, replace beneficiary_logo.png
with the actual logo of the Beneficiary (keeping the same filename).
TODO: In here goes the project's context and description, as found in the scoping document.
TODO: In here the main goals of the project.
TODO: As goals must always be translated into concrete deliverables, in where we include those deliverables.
TODO: In here list the team (optionally with links to their LinkedIn profiles/websites).
TODO: Estimated project starts and end dates.
O repositório está organizado da seguinte forma:
: TODOdata/
: TODOdeliverables/
: TODOnotebooks/
: TODOsrc/
: TODOrequirements.txt
Ambientes virtuais, dependências, etc. TODO
Pontos de contacto DSSG PT: TODO (name, e-mail)
Ponto de contacto Beneficiário: TODO (name, e-mail)