- Is final VR project the "backup" or "original". VR Unity Project is "backup"?
This repository provides the implementation of an own-voice auralization system implememented at DTU's audio-visual immersion lab as presented at ICA2022.
The Python scripts, MAX patches and Unity project have been tested on Windows only.
- Paper:
- Find it here.
- Large files:
- Download the VR Unity project, Odeon simulation files and actually used convolutional filters from the release page.
- License:
- MIT -- see the file
for details.
Repo is structured as follows:
. ├── Documentation # [building the userguide] ├── libownaura # [python main scripts] ├── Lora filters # [store Lora output here] ├── MAX # [Max patches] ├── Room acoustic parameter measurement # [scripts for measuring effective acoustic parameters] ...
Create a virtual environment with conda and activate it:
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate ownaura
Download the large files from release page:
Now read the userguide. Enjoy!
If you found this codebase useful in your research, please cite:
@inproceedings{wistbackaVocalComfort2022, author = "Wistbacka Oehlund, Greta and Heuchel, Franz M. and LYBERG AAHLANDER, Viveka and MAARTENSSON, Johan and SAHLEN, Birgitta and Brunskog, Jonas", title = "Vocal comfort in simulated room acoustic environments – experimental set-up and protocol development", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics", year = "2022", pages = "1-11", }