Driver Profile Classification thesis repository. This project aims to develop a system that takes advantage of the use of machine learning techniques to establish a driving profile based on trips data obtained in a non-intrusive way.
Working Python 3 installation (Python version = 3.7.9), with packages presented in the file requirements.txt
- Create virtual environment.
- On Windows, use "python -m venv .venv".
- Activate virtual environment.
- On Windows, use "cd .venv/Scripts".
- On Windows, use "activate" to activate the virtual environment (make sure you are in the ".venv/Scripts" directory).
- On Windows, navigate back to tests directory "cd ../..".
- Install requirements.
- On Windows, use "pip install -r requirements.txt".
- Try out the diferent sripts.
- Use the following command "python".
- Press enter to run the script.
- It is necessary to have an API token in order to run the script preprocess/
- Because the events are private, they have not been uploaded to the repository so the script preprocess/ does not run.
- Only one dataset is available to make sure the repository is not overloaded with datasets.